When viewing resources, portal users can browse the contents of certain files before they decide to download them.

Documents and Spreadsheets

Documents and Spreadsheets offer a preview box allowing users to browse through and search the file before downloading it

Documents include files such as Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, while spreadsheets include most common spreadsheet formats such as Microsoft Excel

Sample Preview of Document

Sample Preview of a CSV document

Comma Delimited Files

Data is commonly transferred or exported to CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. Resource that are in .CSV format will generate a table showing the data contained in the file along with sorting and searching tools to browse it.


CSV files that have columns labeled "latitude" and "longitude" will also show a "Map" tab that overlays the file's rows onto a map.

GeoJSON Files

GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. When viewing GeoJSON resources, the data in the file will be displayed on a map.

GeoJSON supports the following geometry types: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon.

Sample Preview of a GeoJSON resource

PDF Files

Files in PDF format will also generate previews for the user, but require installation of the free Adobe Reader plugin in their browser.

While this plugin is built into most newer web browsers, users that are not able to see the preview can verify they have the latest version installed by clicking the Adobe Reader link