  • Organization Type
  • Description

    About Us
    Identity Center is an independent civil society organisation working to encourage development across the Middle East. Founded in 2009 in Amman, Jordan, the Identity Center focuses strongly on domestic Jordanian politics, but is increasingly expanding its operations across the greater Middle East. Projects have thus far been undertaken in Morocco, Sudan, and Iraq. In 2014 an additional office also opened in Baghdad to support our in-country projects in Iraq.
    The Identity Center operates in the space between the government and the people. It is not affiliated with any political party, movement or ideology, but rather the Center aims to increase political capacity and to enhance relationships between governments and civic society.
    The Identity Center uses a variety of approaches in its operations. On a grassroots level, the Identity Center trains individuals in leadership and monitoring. At the same time, it works alongside political parties to encourage dialogue and develop party platforms. Finally, the Identity Center produces research and policy papers to encourage the government to evaluate its policies and consider alternative approaches.
    The Identity Center works toward a world where people are empowered to shape and control their identities and destinies.
    The Center empowers people to fully participate in political, economic, and social development through outreach, advocacy, and training.
    Transparency, collaboration, free flow of ideas and information, learning from other cultures, gender equality, improved accountability and social justice.
    Fields of Work:
    The Center works in the following fields:
    Local democracy and decentralization
    Democracy and participation
    Political and socioeconomic development
    Parliamentary affairs.
    Civil and political rights
    Social and economic rights
    Identity Center uses the following tools to complete its mission:
    Media and social media
    Conferences and workshops

Identity Center For Human Development  

Labour Demands Forecast Research

PDF | English | Economics  Research  Economic research ...more

The Research tackles “The Gap between Educational Outputs and Labour Market Demand in
Jordan”, which represents a Labour Market Forecast in three sectors, ICT, Health and Green
Energy Sectors”. I...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

Beyond Quota Magazine-Third issue

PDF | English | Democratization  Women in development  Voting ...more

Identity Center produces the 3rd issue of the Beyond Quota Magazine, which tackles the achievements of women in governance and shows the challenges women face as well as the solutions.

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

PVT report for the 2016 Elections

PDF | English | Elections  Voting  Parliamentary systems

PVT report for the 2016 Elections

Issued on 2017.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

Social Justice in Jordan. A Toolkit for Youth Activism.

PDF | English | Human rights and social justice  Youth

Social Justice in Jordan. A Toolkit for Youth Activism.

Issued on 2015.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

Brief: The Gulf Diplomatic Rift

PDF | English | Political development  Regional development

A brief analysis on the diplomatic rift between Qatar and the GCC countries that happened in 2017

Issued on 2017.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

Beyond Quota Magazine - 4th issue

PDF | English | Elections  Governance  Laws and legislation ...more

Identity Center publishes the 4th issue of the Beyond Quota Magazine which contents Jordanian seventeenth House of Representatives and the performance of female deputies in approval of 2014 budget ...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

How Jordan’s Political Parties Pursue Social Justice

PDF | English | Human rights and social justice  Political development  Youth

In August 2015, the Jordanian government introduced a landmark draft election law.
Reversing a quarter century of reliance on a single non-transferable voting system, the draft
law proposes the i...

Issued on 2015.
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago

ICEO Final Report 2016

PDF | English | Government  Civil society  Democratization ...more

Integrity Coalition Final Observation Report of the 2016 Parliamentary Elections in Jordan
Integrity Coalition is an election observation coalition of Jordanian CSOs led by the Identity Center For...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded about 7 years ago
Last updated about 7 years ago
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Mohammed Hussainy Admin
Wael Abu Anzeh Admin