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Nour Al-Mansour  

TAP YR2 Annual Work Plan (AWP)

Other | English | Education

TAP YR2 Annual Work Plan (AWP)

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

TAP YR3 Annual Work Plan (AWP)

Other | English | Education

TAP YR3 Annual Work Plan (AWP)

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2023.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

Media communoication policy - MOY

Document | English | Youth

The Ministry of Youth has issued a policy document on media and communication, recognizing the importance and role of communication and media in achieving its vision related to the youth sector, in...

Issued on 2023.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

TAP Quarterly Report FY22Q1_Oct-Dec'21_Final_Submitted

Other | English | Education  Reports

USAID JTAP Quarterly Report FY22Q1

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

TAP Quarterly Report Q1 FY23

Other | English | Education  Reports

TAP Quarterly Report Q1 FY23

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2023.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

TAP Quarterly Report FY22Q3 April June_Final

Other | English | Education  Reports

TAP Quarterly Report FY22Q3 April June_Final

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

TAP Quarterly Report Q2 FY23

Other | English | Education  Reports

TAP Quarterly Report Q2 FY23

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2023.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

Quarterly Report FY21 Q4

Other | English | Reports

TAP First Quarterly Report Submitted Oct 21_2021

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2021.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

2023_TAP CLA Case

Other | English | Education

This document contains the CLA Case Study that was submitted as part of the CLA National Competition.

This CLA case study focuses on TAP support to the Ministry of Youth in 2022 to operationa...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2023.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

Jordan Technical Assistance Program Quarterly Report FY22Q2

Other | English | Education  Reports

Jordan Technical Assistance Program Quarterly Report FY22Q2

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

Technical Assistance Program EXPO 2023

Knowledge  Learning

to be added

29 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 1 year ago
Last updated about 1 year ago
New Organization
Organization Email Domain Added Role
Creative/Technical Assistance Program 2023-05-18 Admin Remove Membership
New Community of Practice
Community of Practice Added Role
Gender COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership
EDY COP 2024-03-17 Member Remove Membership