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Razan N Al'areh  

التقرير النهائي: أنماط استهلاك المياه في الزراعة - تقييم نهج "تطوير أنظم...

Document | Arabic | Assessment  Reports  Agricultural water management

يهدف هذا التقييم إلى تسليط الضوء على استخدام المياه في الزراعة في الأردن. كما يستعرض استخدام المياه في صناعات خدمية رئيسية ويقدّم دروساً من أحد البرامج التي تتبع نهج تطوير أنظمة السوق (Market Syst...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2021.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) in Practice for Implementing...

PDF | English | Performance Monitoring  Collaborating  Learning

How do you define CLA? Was any information in the presentation a surprise? How
so? What pieces of CLA do you feel you need to work on most? What comes
easiest for you? What comes hardest?

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2021.
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Indicators - Criteria Checklist

PDF | English | Guidelines and Procedures  Performance Monitoring  USAID

This resource complements ADS 201 by providing a set of criteria against which to compare indicators when selecting performance indicators for measuring expected outputs and outcomes of strategies,...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded almost 3 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Women's Economic Participation Assessment Presentation

Presentation | English | Economics  Education  Labor ...more

The goal of the presentation is to share findings of the Women’s Economic Participation Assessment

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Developmental Evaluation (video snap) by Maram Kilani

Other | English | Evaluation  Development projects

Developmental Evaluation by Maram Kilani

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

The Relevance of Surveys to Public Policy (video snap) by Fares Braizat

Other | English | Population surveys  Public sector

The Relevance of Surveys to Public Policy by Fares Braizat

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Learning Questions Checklist

PDF | English | Performance Monitoring  USAID  Collaborating ...more

This checklist is intended for use by USAID and implementing partner staff when developing or reviewing learning questions during monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) planning processes (i.e....

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded almost 3 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Remote MEL in Non-Permissive Contexts - Abeer Gazzawi

Other | English | Performance Monitoring

Operating in a non-permissive, physically constrained or inaccessible (partially or completely) operating environment tends to complicate, hinder and/or interrupt progress monitoring, data collecti...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Introduction to Sampling-Majd Haddad-Anas Masri

Other | English | Performance Measurement  Performance Monitoring  Samples

Everyone who has ever worked on a research project knows that resources are limited; time, money and people never come in an unlimited supply. For that reason, most research projects aim to gather ...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Scenario Planning as an Effective Adaptive Management Tool- Addi Qatamin

Other | English | Performance Monitoring  Planning  Adapting

Scenario Planning as an Effective Adaptive Management Tool

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago
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