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    about 8 years
Katia Madanat  

التعليمات التنفيذية الخاصة باعتماد الصحفيين

PDF | Arabic | Elections  Governance

التعليمات التنفيذية الخاصة باعتماد الصحفيين والإعلاميين والعاملين في المؤسسات الإعلامية المرئية والمسموعة والمقروءة المحليين والدوليين لتغطية مجريات العملية الانتخابية

Issued on 2017.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

التعميمات التنفيذيـة الخاصة بإعــــداد جـــداول ناخبــــين مجالس المحافظ...

PDF | Arabic | Elections  Governance

التعليمات التنفيذية رقم 1 الخاصة بجداول الناخبين للمحافظات والتي يستم اعتمادها في انتخابات البلديات 2017.

Issued on 2017.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Summary for 2016 Parliamentary Elections

PDF | Arabic | Elections  Governance

اﻟﺨﻼﺻﺔ اﻟﺘﻨﻔﻴﺬﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﻘﺮﻳﺮ اﻟﺘﻔﺼﻴﻠﻲ ﻻﻧﺘﺨﺎﺑﺎت اﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﻨﻴﺎﺑﻲ ٢٠١٦/٩/٢٠اﻟﺜﺎﻣﻦ ﻋﺸﺮ

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

IEC database complaint form

Document | English | Elections  Governance

The form is used for the IEC to submit electronic complaints during elections.

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

IEC Jordan BIRDGE Introduction Module

Presentation | Arabic | Elections  Governance

A presentation on BRIDGE Introduction to election administration with focus on international standards and Jordan's case.

Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Disability Access and Inclusion in the Political Processes of Four South...

PDF | English | Elections  Governance

The General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) was formed to improve access to political and electoral opportunities for persons with disabilities in Southeast Asia through increased p...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

THE HIERARCHY OF LAWS Understanding and Implementing the Legal Framewor...

PDF | English | Elections  Governance

All countries have a legal foundation, generally consisting of a founding document, such as a constitution, and the laws
passed by the national legislature and other levels of lawmaking authority....

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago


PDF | English | Elections  Governance

Shortly after the Arab Spring began to engulf the Middle East in late 2010, Jordan’s King Abdullah II responded to calls for change by initiating a reform process which, so far, has resulted in mod...

Issued on 2012.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

2015 Annual Report - IFES

PDF | English | Elections  Governance

The report shows 2015 achievements, challenges and success stories for IFES.

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Media Guideline for Reporting on Accessible Elections

PDF | English | Elections  Governance

One of the most important aspect in advocating the political rights of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in elections is how to provide the right information to the public on the rights. To assure t...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago
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