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    about 8 years
Katia Madanat  

Assisted Voters At Other Locations – ACE

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Voting facilities provided could take the form of:
• voting by mail (see Early voting);
• being visited by a special mobile voting station (see Other special voting arrangements), either during ...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Assistance To Voters – ACE

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Where voters with certain disabilities are allowed assistance in marking their ballots, voting station officials should do everything possible to assist such voters to participate in voting with th...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Facilities Checklist

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

The checklist was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor’s One-Stop Disability Initiative to ensure that the facilities of One-Stop Centers are physically accessible and welcoming for people wit...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Sample Equity Audit

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

The Employment Equity Act details 9 areas of discrimination, and gives
employees and job applicants a much wider basis for claiming discrimination. The financial implications for a small company o...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

How To Write An Inclusive Equality Policy

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Developing an inclusive Equality Policy is one of the key factors in creating a sustainable organisation that reflects the rich diversity of society and ensures equality of opportunity for everyone...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Draft constitutional and election law provisions to ensure electoral acc...

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

The draft constitutional and election law provisions are intended to ensure the full electoral and political enfranchisement of citizens with disabilities. They were developed at a planning meetin...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Standards Of Electoral Access For Citizens With Disabilities

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

The "Bill of Electoral Rights for Citizens with Disabilities" calls on states to meet their obligation to take effective measures to ensure that all citizens with disabilities are able to exercise ...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

How To Turn Out Voters With Disabilities

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

This is a NON-PARTISAN get-out-the-vote manual. People with disabilities must be encouraged to vote. An individual should never be told to vote for or against a particular candidate or party.

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Right To Vote – The Pollenshop

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

This is a short training program for people with a learning disability to support them vote at the general election.
The training can be led by people with a learning disability. This document ca...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Blind Observers

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

In general, the elections I observed were peaceful and orderly. The electoral officers and their assistants had little difficulty carrying out their assignments, as almost all the voters understood...

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Last updated over 7 years ago
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