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    about 8 years
Katia Madanat  

Public Schools Are Hotbeds Of Democracy

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Democracies don't materialize out of thin air. They are created -- and maintained and deepened -- by citizens. If citizens are to safeguard civil liberties, elect wise officials, become wise offici...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Institutionalising Civic Education – ACE

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

If it is true that people learn from experience, and if large numbers of people participate in political life - both in democracies and, despite the personal cost, undemocratic societies - without ...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Educational Objectives – ACE Civic Education

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Selecting and framing objectives is one of the most difficult tasks for educators and, incidentally, for those developing social interventions and programme proposals.

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Tips On How To Create A Great Survey

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

A detailed guidelines on building surveys.

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Surveys – ACE Civic Education

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

First a decision will need to be made about what information needs to be collected and why. This process can be initiated by asking a few simple questions: "What opinions or likely behaviours do yo...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Needs Assessment Strategies for Community Groups and Organizations

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Accurately assessing the situation in your community group or organization is important when making decisions allocating public or private resources. There are several tools available for determini...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

International Principles Of The Educational Mandate – ACE

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

The civic education mandate, while it may come from legislation or a public mission statement, is also likely to stem from or be influenced by comparative international practice and the instruments...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Can Democracy Be Taught

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Does civic education work? Can it teach people in emerging democracies the values, skills, and attitudes that they need to take an active part in governing themselves? Donor organizations in the Un...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Civic Education – An Antidote For Political Apathy

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Democratic citizenship has two dimensions which are essential for a healthy democracy. One dimension is political engagement which encompasses both the willingness and the capability of citizens to...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

An Introduction To Boundary Delimitation – ACE

Document | English | Elections  Training Material

Delimiting electoral districts can be a complex, expensive, and time-consuming process. The social and political context within which delimitation takes place must be fully considered. In addition,...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago
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