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    about 8 years
Katia Madanat  


PDF | English | Elections  Governance  Guidelines and Procedures

‘Elections and Conflict Prevention: A Guide to Analysis, Planning and Programming’ (identified throughout as the ‘Guide’), is designed as a knowledge product for practitioners in the field of gover...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns.

PDF | English | Elections  Governance

In general terms, political fi nance refers to all money in the political process. While many interconnected areas relate to money in politics, it is beyond the scope of this handbook to cover them ...

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

International Obligations

PDF | English | Elections  Governance  International politics

Elections' International Obligations

Issued on 2012.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

OSCE Handbook for the observation of voter registration

PDF | English | Elections

OSCE Handbook for the observation of voter registration

Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Independent Election Commission Law

PDF | English | Elections  Government and law  Laws and legislation

IEC 2012 final law

Issued on 2012.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago
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