Disentangling the Gender-Family Planning Link in Jordan -Group Model Building  

A key challenge for JCAP is developing a common understanding of the pathways through which gender norms and inequalities influence family planning outcomes in Jordan. Therefore, to help understand and disentangle these pathways, JCAP– in collaboration with Iris Group – has conducted the first ever Jordan Gender/family planning group model building (GMB) study to help understanding these pathways. The study consisted of a series of four workshops with JCAP team members, professionals & stakeholders, and participants from various community target populations. The first of these workshops was held on December 13, 2016 with JCAP team members and project stakeholders. This initial workshop had multiple overlapping objectives:

1. Develop a preliminary conceptual model to be used as a foundation for dialogue on gender in Jordan
2. Create tools (for example, brochures and handouts) to explain important gender pathways and connections
3. Explore opportunities for using Group Model Building (GMB) to build models with JCAP partners for advocacy and education messaging
4. Identify potential approaches/interventions to continue to promote gender integration and improve FP outcomes within JCAP work plan

GMB-Flash Card

Other | Arabic | Health  Family planning  Gender

توضيح العلاقة بين معايير النوع الاجتماعي وتنظيم الاسرة في الاردنا - النتائج والافكار الرئيسية

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago

Arabic GMB Booklet

Other | Arabic | Health  Family planning  Gender

توضيح العلاقة بين معايير النوع الاجتماعي وتنظيم الاسرة في الاردن – تقرير دراسة بناء النماذج
حزيران 2017

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago