Gender evaluations for CIS(USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program)  

The assessments/evaluations in this collection were commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Final USAID CIS Evaluation Synopsis DWCA May 2018

Other | English | Evaluation Report

USAID CIS commissioned INTEGRATED to carry out a Task Order with four sub taska to assess the relevance,appropriateness,coherence,effectiveness ans sustainability of a selection of gender equality ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS GEFE SIGI Evaluation March 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS GEFE Joint Grants Evaluation May 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS GEFE FGAC Evaluation January 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS GEFE AWLN Evaluation July 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS GEFE Aggregate Analysis Evaluation Aug 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS Evaluation Synopsis Tafileh Women May 2018

PDF | English | Women in development  Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS Evaluation Synopsis Specific Union May 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS Evaluation Synopsis Princess Basma Aqaba May 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Final USAID CIS Evaluation Synopsis JOHUD May 2018

PDF | English | Evaluation Report

The attached assessment/evaluation was commissioned under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) to capture the impact of grantee and/or CIS-direct interventions

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago