Jordan Green Building Council  

A full guide that provides an introduction on thermal insulation and solar water heaters

نصائح حول تصميم وتركيب السخان الشمسي - رسم يباني

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Natural resources and the environment  Alternative energy technology ...more

Provide facts and types of thermal insulations and how solar water heaters saves energy. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID grant to address water and energy iss...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

حقائق ونصائح حول السخان الشمسي

PDF | Arabic | Natural resources and the environment  Alternative energy technology  Energy technology ...more

Provide definition, design and the importance of solar heaters. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID grant to address water and energy issues in Jordan.

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

مشروع توفير المياه والطاقة من خلال التصميم والبناء

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Natural resources  Natural resources and the environment ...more

Presentation on “Building a Smart Program for Saving Water & Energy through Design and Construction”: presentation that provides facts and advices around thermal insulation and solar water heaters....

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

نصائح حول تصميم وتركيب العزل الحراري

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Energy technology  Thermal Engineering

A full guide that provides an introduction on thermal insulation, its benefits, and advice around thermal insulation. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID grant to...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

حقائق ونصائح حول العزل الحراري

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Thermal Engineering

Infographic on thermal insulation: provide facts and types of thermal insulation and how thermal insulation saves energy. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID gran...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

منشور حول العزل الحراري

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Thermal Engineering

Provide definition and design for thermal insulation. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID grant to address water and energy issues in Jordan.

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

نصائح حول استخدام وتركيب السخان الشمسي

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Alternative energy technology  Energy resource development ...more

A full guide that provides an introduction on solar water heaters, its benefits, and advice around solar heaters. This material was developed by Green Building Council as part of USAID grant to add...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago