Decentralized Wastewater Management Policy  

This is the first statement of Decentralized Wastewater Management Policy for Jordan.
The need for establishing a decentralized wastewater management approach has been seen for some time. Indeed a decentralized wastewater management approach was envisaged in the Water for Life - Jordan's Strategy 2008-2022. Since 2012 there have been significant changes in the water sector's operational environment due to the demands associated to the overwhelming influx of dislocated population to Jordan. To expand wastewater management by implementing the practice of recycling and reusing water beyond the existing conventional wastewater service system has become imperative for the viability of our water resources as emphasized in the new National Water Strategy 2016-2025.
Jordan's water balance will benefit greatly from successful implementation of this Policy and hence this Policy will guide and direct my decisions as Minister and those of my Ministerial Colleagues. It will shape our national approach to planning, implementing and operating decentralized wastewater management infrastructure over the next decade.
The scope of this Policy is broad, reflecting the wide spectrum of decentralized wastewater management and the many tasks to be performed for successful implementation and sustainable operation. In light of an integrated water resources management approach, this Policy is carefully formulated taking comprehensive account of regulation, standards, and inter-sectorial responsibilities while maintaining the imperative of the protection of public health and water resources.