Education Statistics 2013-2014  

This report was published by the Ministry of Education (MoE) for the year 2013-2014. The MoE recognizes the importance of educational statistics in policy-making and in setting educational goals and strategies; in light of this it has developed the Educational Management Information System (EMIS). EMIS is an integrated system that collates and provides comprehensive and accessible data that plays a major role in making, rationalizing and supporting educational decisions as well as realizing the impact of implemented policies in relation to achieving educational goals. The system analyses the up-to-date statistical data, generating a statistical report that is then used to measure the progress of indicators towards achieving the MoE vision and mission. The report, which includes figures, indicators, geographical maps, and diagrams related to the distribution of schools, classes, teachers, and students was shared by MoE with all stakeholders in order for them to benefit from the data.