Evaluation of the private enterprise technical resources assistance project (PETRA)  

Tho project wae deelgned a6 an umbrallo project for private eector development
in Jordan and implementation began in 1986. A myriad of activltieo were
oupported by thin project, including project deeigne for other private eector
projsrcto, grante and loane for ernall enterprloe dovelopment, aupport of bueineee
aaooafationo, and technical aeeietance in varlouo bl~elneeo development areae.
Thie evaluation wae performed in early 1992 and analyzed three key activitlt~e of
the project - PVO income generation octivitlee, bueineee dovelopment/inveetment
proinotion, and production/production enhancemerit. The methodology employed
coneieted of interviewe with repreeentet ?vee of key irretitcrtione receiving grante
or adminiotering loans under the program, review of project documents, and
interviat~o with a oampling of project beneficiariee.