Gender Report- Agriculture component  

To facilitate the project’s commitment to promoting gender and youth integration at all levels, Mercy Corps has conducted a Gender and Youth Assessment to inform development of a Gender and Youth Analysis and Integration Action Plan, as required by USAID. The Gender and Youth Analysis and Action Plan were informed by the gender policies and guidelines of USAID and Mercy Corps. This report analyzes the findings from the assessment and outlines the Gender and Youth Action Plan (GYAP) at the community, household and individual level. In spring, 2018 Mercy Corps will conduct an agriculture assessment that will include gender and youth to inform development of this component of the WIT program. The decision was made to conduct two separate surveys given both the large scale and scope of WIT and the desire to understand the nuances of gender in the community, household and individuals’ levels as well as the farm level. The results will be collated and together this gender and youth assessment and the agriculture assessment will enable Mercy Corps to ensure that gender and youth are integrated into all aspects of this program.