Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT)  

FHI 360 under the USAID Civic Initiatives Support Program (USAID CIS) has developed the Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT) for civil society organizations (CSOs) to identify capacity development priorities and to plan for capacity development in those respective areas. Adapted from the USAID Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) tool, it focuses on seven key capacity areas: Governance and legal structure, Financial management and internal control systems, Administration and procurement systems, Human resources systems, Program management, Project performance management, Organizational management and sustainability. The ICAT assessment combines a facilitated self-assessment session complemented by anonymous surveys of staff and board members, with verification from an external third party (FHI 360 staff or its representatives) taking place in parallel and is supplemented by individual interviews and document review. (Instructors guide will be updated once complete)