Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program Final Report  

Management Systems International (MSI) commenced the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) on December 1, 2013, under contract number AID-278-C-13-00009 and completed implementation on October 31, 2019. The principal purpose of the work was to provide technical and advisory services to the USAID/Jordan Program Office (PRO), USAID/Jordan Development Objective (DO) teams, and Implementing Partners (IPs) in the areas of activity monitoring, evaluation, research, organizational learning, and knowledge management to enable USAID/Jordan to fulfill its performance and evaluation requirements. An additional purpose, which took on increased significance as MESP matured, was to strengthen the capacity of local organizations in program monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL).
This report summarizes MESP activities, accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned. Prominent achievements include the following, in alignment with results identified in the MESP Logic Model.