Today it has become clear to all that in order to achieve sustainable development we must take into consideration all three
dimensions: economic, social and environment in an integrated manner. It is also acknowledged that only by applying
such an integrated approach we will be able to achieve social welfare in parallel with protecting and sustaining our
environmental resources for future generations.
Jordan currently faces many challenges, with the Syrian conflict being the most urgent and demanding one. The ever
increasing number of Syrian refugees entering Jordan and blending in to its social fabric has caused tremendous burdens on
infrastructure and resulted in exploiting of our already scarce natural resources. Moreover, the influx of refugees is having a
negative impact on national sustainable development plans and programmes which in turn is being reflected negatively on
the performance of the economy and people livelihoods. According to Jordan’s Response Plan to the Syrian crisis we need
almost U.S 3 billion dollars annually to cope with the increasing demands resulting from this crisis.
In spite of this, Jordan is considered to be one of the pioneering developing countries in promoting sustainable
development at the national, regional, and international level. Jordan has adopted new tools and initiatives created to
achieve sustainability, including gradual and measured transition toward green economy, launching the Eco-Cities initiative,
supporting the implementation of concepts of sustainable consumption and production patterns, in addition to many other
tools that enhance green investments, create jobs and eradicate poverty.
The National Strategy and Action Plan for Mainstreaming Sustainable Consumption and Production targeted three sectors:
Agriculture / Food Production, Transport, and Waste Management Sectors aiming to support the implementation of the
agreed SCP strategic, operational objectives and actions at the national level.
In addition, the Ministry signed an agreement with the German Government to work closely with the Global Green Growth
Institute (GGGI) to integrate Green Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production sectors: (Energy, particularly
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Water, Agriculture, Waste Management, Transport, and Sustainable Tourism) in
order to have a comprehensive National Green Growth Strategy and Work-plan. Collectively the work plan will have
potential to attract sustainable green investments amounting to U.S 1.3 billion dollars and creating 51 thousand new jobs
in the coming 10 years.
The strategic partnership between the Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
represents a model for the cooperation in addressing sustainable development agenda at all levels. The Ministry considers
UNEP to be a key strategic partner, and we will always remain a strong supporter to UNEP.
Dr. Taher R. Shakhashir
Minister of Environment