White Paper on Nuclear Energy in Jordan  

Global population growth and industrial development are projected to double electricity consumption by 2030. Rapidly increasing electricity demand, together with the need to renew a large amount of old generating capacity in developed countries, strengthens the requirement for new power plants.
After years of neglect, the interest for nuclear power has been revived. Worldwide, 64 units are under construction, with most construction taking place in China, the Russian Federation, India and South Korea. Out of 29 countries currently using nuclear power, 13 have new plants under construction and 14 have supported the construction of new units by including nuclear as a potential option for the future energy generation mix. Around 65 countries across the world are expressing interest in, considering or actively planning for nuclear power. Of these, 21 are in the Asia-Pacific region, 21 in Africa, 12 in Europe and 11 in Latin America.
Nuclear energy is seen as the technology of choice for satisfying future electricity demand since it ensures safe and stable electricity production at a reasonable and competitive price, while providing independence from fossil fuel and associated price fluctuations.
At the same time, the development of nuclear programs facilitates the expansion of an entire high-tech nuclear sector, which in turn increases the country’s technical and scientific development.