  • Organization Type
    USAID Implementing Partner
  • Description

    Aims to promote gender equality and female empowerment by expanding social dialogue on gender equality, strengthening enforcement and advocacy for female empowerment, and improving services for women and girls. TAKAMOL is implemented by International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)

The Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Project (TAKAMOL)  

دراسة تقييمية لواقع الخدمات المقدمة إنفاذا لقانون الحماية من العنف الأسري

Other | Arabic | Gender

Mapping study of services under the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law of 2017 in Jordan.

Issued on 2020.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Infographic: Understanding the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law ...

PDF | English | Gender

A brief summarizing a study conducted by the Arab Women's Legal Netowork which examined the status of services offered under the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law. The full study is availabl...

Issued on 2020.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Study on Harassment in Jordan

PDF | Arabic | Gender

Study developed by the Arab Network for Civic Education (ANHRE) through a grant from USAID Takamol for the Youth to Eliminate Harassment campaign.

Issued on 2015.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

ANHRE Short video on Sexual Harrassment

Other | Arabic | Gender

Part of ANHRE's Youth to Eliminate Harassment campaign supported by USAID Takamol, this video shares the story of a woman who tried to take her harasser to court, but was unable to do so because of...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Administrative Detention of Women in Jordan

PDF | English | Gender

Administrative detention of women, purportedly for their protection, remains one of the key challenges that Jordan faces today. The Ministry of Interior continues to place some women in Reform and ...

Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

تحفيز النساء الأردنيات لدخول سوق العمل

PDF | Arabic | Economics  Transportation  Gender

Drawing upon research conducted in Irbid, Salt and East Amman, this paper will provide recommendations for the Jordanian transportation sector in creating and implementing inclusive policies using ...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

تعزيز دور المرأة الأردنية على ضوء تقارير الأمم المتحدة للأردن

PDF | Arabic | Gender

يدور دوما جدال في الأوساط الرسمية والمجتمعية والإعلامية على ما هي اولويات حقوق المرأة في الأردن، وبالطبع فإن ذلك يرتبط بالنقاش الدائر حول اسئلة اخرى ذات صلة، اولا: ما هي الانتهاكات التي تتعرض لها...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Strengthening Women’s Role in Light of UN Reports on Jordan

PDF | English | Gender

This paper aims to answer the following questions and identify women’s rights priorities in light of UN reports on Jordan. 1) What are the human rights violations women face in Jordan? 2) What enti...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

المساواة في تقاسم المسؤوليات الأسرية والمنـزلية كوسيلة لتعزيز لمشاركة ال...

PDF | Arabic | Economics  Gender

A policy paper about measures to promote sharing family repsonsibilities in order to promote women's economic participation.

Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في سبيل تعزيز المشاركة الاقتصادية لل...

PDF | Arabic | Economics  Gender

وعلى الرغم من الجهود الوطنية المبذولة على المستويات التشريعية والتنفيذية لغايات دمج المرأة في الحياة الاقتصادية بالتعاون مع العديد من المنظمات الدولية، إلا أن هذه الجهود ما زالت غير قادرة من حيث ال...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Children's Books Developed by Haya Cultural Center

Gender  Children Stories

A gender-sensitive children's book series develeopd by Haya Cultural Center w...

6 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Vocational Training Corporation Promotional Videos

Economics  Gender

Videos developed with the Vocational Training Corporation to promote enrollin...

11 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago
No private resources.

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Name Email Organization Role Other Organizations
Ashley Ross Member
Mutaz Bawaneh Admin
Nadine Matar Member
Phoebe Bierly Admin
Reem Abdel-Hadi Admin