  • Organization Type
    USAID Implementing Partner
Health Finance & Governance Activity - HFG  

Options for Vaccine funding

PDF | English | Health finance  Strategic planning  Pharmacies

Vaccine procurement is being managed in Jordan with a wide range of constraints and inefficiencies that can be addressed by adopting several well-known approaches. Examples of interventions are des...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago

Coding Discussion Paper

PDF | English | Health finance  Health insurance  Information management

HIA in coordination with HFG facilitated a discussion session with different stakeholders. The group discussed the objectives of a standard coding system and ranked the available classification sys...

Issued on 2019.
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Last updated over 4 years ago

Report on Vaccines Procurement Legislation Review

PDF | English | Health finance  Laws and legislation  Pharmacies

This report aims at highlighting the legislation governing procurement, either directly or indirectly, the legal instruments that could be utilized within the framework of the international commitm...

Issued on 2019.
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Last updated over 4 years ago

ورقة مفاهيمية للدراسة التجريبية للاكتتاب الصحي الأساس

PDF | English | Health research

تقوم الدراسة التجريبية للاكتتاب الصحي الأساسي بتجميع معلومات فردية متعلقة بالتركيبة السكانية وأساليب الحياة والمواقف والآراء والعوامل الطبية ،سيتم تسجيل بتجميع معلومات فردية متعلقة بالتركيبة السكا...

Issued on 2019.
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Last updated over 4 years ago

Strategic Purchasing in Jordan’s Health Sector Opportunities for Impactf...

PDF | English | Health finance  Strategic planning

Strategic purchasing is an institutional procurement process that continuously improves and re-evaluates the purchasing activities of an organization. Organizations implement purchasing strategies ...

Issued on 2019.
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Last updated over 4 years ago

Performance Management Framework at Primary Health Care Level

PDF | Arabic | Governance  Performance Measurement  Performance Monitoring

تم تطوير إطار إدارة الأداء لخدمات الأمراض غير السارية لدعم إدارة وتحسين مؤشرات الأمراض غير السارية على مستوى خدمات الرعاية الصحية الأولية. واستخدم الإطار نظرية التغيير لإنشاء روابط بين خمسة ...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago

Jordan National Health Accounts for 2016 – 2017 Fiscal Years

PDF | English | Health finance  National level

NHA is designed to give a comprehensive description of financial flows in a health care system, showing where resources come from to financing agents who manage funds, and how funds are used

Issued on 2019.
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Last updated over 4 years ago

Health Technology Management at the Ministry of Health Assessment Report

PDF | Arabic | Health research

The World Health Organization (WHO), defines HTM as “an area of biomedical engineering, which comprises the domains of planning, needs assessment, selection, procurement, donations, inventory, inst...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago

Health Technology Assessment Concept Note

PDF | English | Health finance  Health research

This Technology Assessment is the systematic evaluation of properties, effects and/or impacts of health technologies and interventions. It can be applied to medical devices, medicines, vaccines, pr...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago

Jordan Health Sector Decentralization Directorate Road Map

PDF | Arabic | Governance

عملت مديرية متابعة اللامركزية والشؤون المالية للمحافظات في وزارة الصحة وبدعم مباشر من المشروع على اعداد وتنفيذ خارطة طريق واضحة المعالم تتضمن خطة عمل للثلاث سنوات القادمة وبالشراكة والتنسيق مع ال...

Issued on 2018.
Uploaded over 4 years ago
Last updated over 4 years ago
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Tahani Admin
Tasnim Shaath Admin