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Rich Mason  

الصنبور المفتوح -Video

Other | Arabic | Water Conservation  Children Stories

Videos for children ages 7-10 years addressing ethical and cultural behavior of children related to issues of water, energy and environment. We Love Reading program was granted by USAID to develop ...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

مهارات الالقاء و الاتصال

Other | Arabic | Communication Skills

اساليب و وسائل نقل المعلومات والأفكار والاحاسيس والاراء الى اشخاص اخارين والتثير في افكارهم و اقناعهم بها

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

حزورة سلمى

PDF | Arabic | Water Conservation  Children Stories

Comic stories for children addressing ethical and cultural behavior of children related to issues of water, energy and environment. We Love Reading program was granted by USAID to develop twelve bo...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

هدية العيد

PDF | Arabic | Water Conservation  Children Stories

Comic stories for children addressing ethical and cultural behavior of children related to issues of water, energy and environment. We Love Reading program was granted by USAID to develop twelve bo...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

عنزة العزيزة ودرس محو البصمة البيئية

PDF | Arabic | Water Conservation  Children Stories

Comic stories for children addressing ethical and cultural behavior of children related to issues of water, energy and environment. We Love Reading program was granted by USAID to develop twelve bo...

Used by 2 Collections
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded almost 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Day2- Handout 03- ProgramNet FAQs on Performance Monitoring

PDF | English | Training Material  Performance Monitoring

This document addresses some of the most frequently asked questions on Performance Monitoring. It is a part of the training material for USAID/Jordan MESP- Performance Monitoring Workshop, conducte...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded about 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Linking the Jaber Border Office with Amman Cu...

PDF | English | Government  Development finance  Economic sectors

This Analysis was published by USAID in 2010. It “assesses the economic feasibility of electronically linking the Jaber border office with the Amman internal customs office, and reducing the duplic...

Issued on 2010.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Guide to Designing Tourism Workforce Development Programs 2010

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Economic sectors  Assessment

This report was published by Education Development Center, Inc. in 2010. It provides an overview on tourism workforce development. It also includes an assessment that provides directions on how to ...

Issued on 2010.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jordan Country Gender Assessment Economic Pa...

PDF | English | Education  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

Over the last three decades Jordan has made substantial investments in its human resources, spending
more than 10 percent of GDP on health and education. Like their male counterparts, women and gi...

Issued on 2013.
Uploaded about 10 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Day1-Handouts 5-The Logical Framework Technical Note 2012

PDF | English | Training Material  Technical Document  Performance Monitoring

“This document describes the rationale, theory, and essential elements of the LogFrame as it relates to USAID’s Program Cycle.” This document is a part of the fifth session training material of the...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2012.
Uploaded about 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Jordan Green Building Council

Alternative energy technology  Energy conservation  Energy technology ...more

A full guide that provides an introduction on thermal insulation and solar wa...

7 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

USAID/Jordan MESP- Performance Monitoring Workshop

Guidelines and Procedures  Performance Measurement  Training Material ...more

The USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP), in collab...

49 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

PAP Grantees to Jordan University

Water Conservation

The guidelines that were developed by Shaaria Faculty at the University of Jo...

2 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Royal Scientific Society

Water supply engineering  Water Conservation  Communication Skills ...more

Training material on solid waste management, water demand, social marketing, ...

15 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago
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USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program (MESP) 2014-06-02 Admin Remove Membership
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