Gender Resource Manual  

The Gender Resource Manual was developed by USAID Takamol to introduce complex concepts and terminologies related to gender equity as they relate to the lives of women and men, boys and girls in Jordan. The Manual is designed to help Jordanians explore the impact of gender roles and expectations on everyday life- whether at home, school, or communities. The manual can be used as a tool for individual self-learning or group trainings on gender-related terminologies and foundational concepts, and provides resources contextualized with sociocultural and historical specificities of the Arab World

Arabic Gender Resource Manual (TAKAMOL)

PDF | Arabic | Gender  Youth

تغطي فصول الدليل العديد من الموضوعات، حيث تقدم الفصول من 1 إلى 5 أسس فهم المصطلحات والمفاهيم الجندرية، حيث نسعى من خالل هذه الفصول إلى بناء قاعدة أساسية لعملية التعلم الجندرية المستمرة، وتسلط هذه ا...

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Uploaded almost 2 years ago
Last updated almost 2 years ago

Gender Resource Manual

PDF | English | Gender  Youth

The Gender Resource Manual was developed by USAID Takamol to introduce complex concepts and terminologies related to gender equity as they relate to the lives of women and men, boys and girls in Jo...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago