In 2018, the USAID Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) conducted a nationally representative survey in Jordan. Sample size for the survey was 11.963. The survey was designed to support USAID/Jordan learning and decision making by providing a better understanding of the broader context in which projects and activities are implemented, explore determinants of performance indicator performance, and to provide implementing partners data useful for their activity planning and implementation. The survey provides critical data on key international economic and social development indicators, and data relevant to USAID program performance indicators and learning agenda questions.

The survey was implemented by MESP’s local partner Mindset between June and September 2018. In total, the team completed 11,963 valid interviews achieving a 95% confidence level and a +/-5 margin of error overall. The survey produced an overall response rate of 76%, which is significantly higher than the global average for surveys.

General Population Survey Methodology Report

PDF | English | Population surveys  Reports

The original sample size of the survey was 12,000 interviews distributed across the 12 governorates in the Kingdom. A team of 100 enumerators and 25 supervisors collected data for the survey. In to...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded almost 3 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago

Gen Pop Learning Agenda Analysis

Other | English | Economics  Economic growth and development  Human rights and social justice ...more

This document outlines summary findings from the exploration of a learning agenda using General Population Survey data. Learning agenda questions and summary responses include:
What are the factor...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2018.
Uploaded about 5 years ago
Last updated about 5 years ago


PDF | English | Economics  Education  Health ...more

The General Population Survey Report presents findings of the 2018 Jordan General Population Survey. This report begins with an overview of the survey methodology and moves to a summary of key find...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 5 years ago
Last updated about 5 years ago


PDF | English | Economics  Demography and vital statistics  Population surveys ...more

The General Population Survey Presentation contains an overview of key findings from the 2019 General Population Survey. The slides specifically focus on findings that provided added context on Jor...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2019.
Uploaded about 5 years ago
Last updated about 5 years ago