USAID 2018 MEL Conference - Self Reliance and Sustainability  

This is a collection of resources for the third annual USAID MEL conference, which was organized by the USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) under the theme of “Self-reliance and Sustainability” at the Sheraton Hotel in Amman and included an Expo showcasing the work of 25 USAID activities and partner organizations, expert panel discussions, and technical breakout sessions.

Break Out Session -The DHS Program Demographic and Health Surveys

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

DHS(Demographic and Health Surveys) Program:is a project that provides, at the global level, assistance to developing countries in the areas of Collection and use of data to monitor and evaluate p...

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated 5 months ago

Video of Scaling Up Workshop by Larry Cooley

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Scaling Up Workshop by Larry Cooley

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Issued on 2018.
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Handout - Power BI as Ready Business Intelligence and Data Visualizatio...

PDF | English | Evaluation

Breakout Session: Advanced business intelligence tools for busy MEL staff; MICROSOFT POWER BI, & Excel vs Access

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Issued on 2018.
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Create Luck in Development- TAKAMOL

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Sustainability of Digital Interventions:
Educate youth how to create and curate content
Continue to negotiate what youth understand
Encourage learning and creation of social connections (on and ...

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Issued on 2018.
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Breakout Session- Status of Women in Jordan

PDF | English | Energy policy  Sustainability  Self-Reliance

According to the 2017 Global Gender Gap Report that benchmarks 144 countries on their progress towards gender parity across four thematic dimensions: Economic Participation, Educational Attainment,...

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Issued on 2018.
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Breakout Session - Wadi Rum Nature Reserve

PDF | Arabic | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

تتميز منطقة وادي رم البالغة مساحتها ( 720 ) كيلو متر مربع بمناظرها الصحراوية الطبيعية المتنوعة والملونة بالإضافة الى النقوش والكتابات والاثار التي تعود الى اكثر من 12000 سنة من التفاعل البشري مع ...

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Breakout Session-The Journey to Self- Reliance:The Self- Reliance Metrics

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Self-Reliance:The ability of a country to plan, finance, and implement solutions to its own development challenges

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Issued on 2018.
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Break Out Session -Integrating Monitoring and Evaluation into a Manageme...

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Traditional M&E’s focus is implementation and impact at the project level, not assessing progress towards, informing strategy on, or actively supporting movement towards sustainable, population-lev...

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Break Out Session - Qualitative Data Analysis & Coding

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Need to acknowledge your own biases when doing analysis
Different people can analyze the same data and come up with different findings!
Might see a trend you like an...

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Break Out Session -Advanced Business Intelligence Tools for Busy MEL Sta...

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Session Objectives:
Create interactive reports and visuals using Microsoft Power BI
Understand how to tell the story behind their data by going through real reports examples from HRH2030 and othe...

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Issued on 2018.
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Break Out Session -The Role of M&E in Grantmaking: Finding the Balance

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

MEL is Embedded in USAID Program Cycle Principles:
- Apply Analytic Rigor to Support Evidence-based Decision-Making.
-Manage Adaptively through Continuous Learning

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Issued on 2018.
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Break Out Session - Gender in Evaluation - Global Evaluation Community

PDF | English | Gender  Sustainability  Self-Reliance

The global Partnership to promote the demand,supply and use of equity focused and gender responsive evaluations

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Issued on 2018.
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Break Out Session - Demographic Dividend: ACHIEVING THE HOPE SCENARIO FO...

PDF | English | Demography and vital statistics  Sustainability  Self-Reliance

The change in the age structure of the population pyramid. Appears when the working age population (15 – 64 years) starts to outgrow the number of dependents population (people under the age of 15...

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Issued on 2018.
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Breakout Session-Data_Disaggregation handout MS Exce Pivot Table

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Pivot tables are one of Excel's most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from a large, detailed data set.

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Issued on 2018.
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Breakout Session-Data Disaggregation handout MS Access Crosstab

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

A crosstab query is a type of select query. When you run a crosstab query, the results display in a datasheet that has a different structure from other types of datasheets.
The structure of a cros...

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Issued on 2018.
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Data Disaggeration and Crosstabulation MS EXCEL VS MS ACCESS

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Disaggregations are a way of further breaking down your indicator definitions into meaningful categories and reporting data against those categories.

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Issued on 2018.
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Breakout Session Community Based GIS Monitoring and Evaluation

PDF | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring  Geographic information systems ...more


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Issued on 2018.
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Reflections and Looking Ahead - USAID MESP

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Conference Demographics and Sustainability ,Self Reliance Themes and Learning and Reflections: Panel & Breakout Discussions

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Issued on 2018.
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International Youth Foundation_BADIR

PDF | English | Youth  Sustainability  Self-Reliance


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Issued on 2018.
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PDF | English | Education  Energy economics  Political development ...more


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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Self Reliance and Sustainability USAID Jordan Work with Youth

PDF | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring  Youth ...more

The M&E Apprenticeship Program addresses this development challenge through a 6-month practicum-based capacity building program, currently implemented by INTEGRATED.

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Enhancing Jordan's Tourism Industry Success - BEST

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Self-reliance and Sustainability Features:
On-the-job coaching and support
Internally driven
Highly participatory
Creating team work
Increasing accountability
Enhancing strategic thinking

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Data for Action - RAMP

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance


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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

King Hussein Foundation's Journey to SELF-RELIANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

The Road to Self-reliance and Sustainability
1. Capacity Building and Transfer of Knowledge

2. LEGACY – Intermediary institution for sub-granting according to USAID rules and regulations

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Issued on 2018.
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Self-Reliance and Sustainability - Al Hayat Center

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

Self-Reliance and Sustainability_ Al Hayat Center

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Issued on 2018.
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The Health Care Accreditation Council's Journey to SUSTAINABILITY

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance


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Issued on 2018.
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Measuring Sustainability- Water Management Initiative Project (WMI)

PDF | English | Communications  Environmental policy  Assessment ...more

The ultimate goal of development cooperation must be to enable developing countries to devise and implement their own solutions to key development challenges and to develop resilience against shock...

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Breakout Sessions Descriptions

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

2018 MEL Conference - Breakout Sessions Descriptions

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Issued on 2018.
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2018 MEL Conference Agenda

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

2018 MEL Conference Agenda (Self-Reliance and Sustainability)

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

2018 MEL Conference Photos

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

USAID 2018 MEL Conference Photos

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago

Video - M&E in Jordan

Other | Arabic | Development program and activity evaluation  Evaluation  Performance Monitoring ...more

Snapshot of the M&E in Jordan.

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Speakers Biographies

PDF | English | Sustainability  Self-Reliance

2018 MEL Conference Speakers Biographies

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Issued on 2018.
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Last updated almost 6 years ago