Develop Digital (E-Marketing_ Capacity of Tourism Entities  

"The objective of this consultancy is to comprehensively assess the current capabilities and competencies in the use of the web, areas of opportunity and of the enhancement of the strategic e-marketing of JHA, JITOA, ASEZA, JTB, RACE and GAM. This report includes the following:

• Analysis of the GAM website as it relates to the Tourism sector and a recommended Site Map
• RFP for upgrading the GAM site
• Analysis of the ASEZA website with recommendations on further development
• Development of an RFP for upgrading the ASEZA website
• Analysis of the JHA, JITOA, RACE and JRA websites and their e-marketing capacity and recommendations of improvement
• Discussion on current and recommended digital strategy for the JTB
• Holistic recommendation of how Jordan's digital ecosystem should be structured to create an outstanding user experience across the industry that delivers measurable and meaningful results" (Jordan Tourism Development Project II -JTD II-, 2009)