Recycling Company Incubation Training Materials  

“Outcome 1.2 Recycling Company Incubation Training Materials” . This deliverable is due in the sixth quarter (Q6)

the package of this deliverable consists of two main parts as follows:

Part 1: UNIDO Entrepreneurship in Waste Management A guide for practitioners toolkit:

UNIDO Toolkit (In Arabic) Attached: This is the original UNIDO manual which was used and revisited to reflect the local Jordanian context within the training materials generated.
UNIDO No Objection Correspondence to use the UNIDO toolkit in Jordan (In English) Attached: This is a no objection email of using the UNIDO tool kit.
Reading Guide (localization) (Arabic) & (English) Attached: These document word files provide a reading guide for the Incubation Training Manual Usage.

Part 2: Incubation Training Manual for the incubators which includes the following modules in Arabic Language (Uploaded on the Google Drive):

Circular Economy Module.
Recycling Incubator’s Business Modeling Module.
Recycling Technology Assessment Module.
Recycling Supply Chain Module.