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Nour Zabalawi  

صيانة أنظمة الأمان والحماية / وأنظمة التوجيه المساعدة الكهربائية في المر...

Other | Arabic | Alternative energy technology  Employment  Vocational training ...more

بعد الانتهاء من دراسة هذه الوحدة والتفاعل مع أنشطتها وخبراتها يتوقع منك أن تصبح قادراً على صيانة أنظمة الامان والحماية (الوسائد الهوائية، مساعد التوجيه الكهربائي) في المركبات الهجينة ، وفق معايير ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2017.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Video Competition

PDF | English | Communications  Communications media and equipment  Communities ...more

In partnership with the Royal Film Commission, WFD launched a video competition to ensure youth participation in building awareness among their peers about the importance of the vocational jobs and...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Sentiment Analysis/ Social Media Listening Report/Technical Vocational E...

PDF | English | Communications  Labor  Employment ...more

The study was key activity for WFD to assess the perception of people related to technical and vocational jobs and focused on understanding key factors that are influencing people's perceptions i...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Zarqa VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Labor  Employment  Human capacity development ...more

Zarka VTI is in the Zarka Governorate; it has predominantly female trainees and has 22 staff.
The VTI has 5 Workshops, 3 classrooms, 2 Computer Labs.
The Operational Capacity is 150; and it cu...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Tafila (Mixed) VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Employment  Human capacity development  Vocational training ...more

Tafila (mixed) VTI is in the Tafila Governorate; it has male and female trainees and has 27 staff.
The VTI has 9 Workshops, 3 classrooms, 1 Computer Lab.
The Operational Capacity is 150; Absor...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Tafila (female) VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Labor  Employment  Human capacity development ...more

Tafila (female) VTI is in the Tafila Governorate; it has only female trainees and has 13 staff. The VTI has 4 Workshops, 1 Classroom, 1 Computer Lab. The Operational Capacity is 100; Absorptive ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Sahab VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Employment  Human capacity development  Vocational training ...more

Sahab VTI is in the Amman Governorate; it has only male trainees and has 49 staff.
The VTI has 13 Workshops, 5 classrooms, 1 Computer Lab.
The Absorptive Capacity is 340 and it currently has 1...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Marka VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Human capacity development  Vocational training  Manual ...more

Marka VTI is in the Amman Governorate; it has male and female trainees and has 21 staff.
The VTI has 13 Workshops, 4 classrooms, 3 Computer Labs.
The Operational Capacity is 376; and it curren...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Ma’an (Male) Assessment VTI Report

Other | English | Employment  Human capacity development  Vocational training ...more

Ma’an (male) VTI is in the Ma’an Governorate; it has only male trainees and has 18 staff.
The VTI has 5 Workshops, 0 classrooms, 1 Computer Lab.
The Operational Capacity is 135, Absorptive Cap...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Ma’an (Female) VTI Assessment Report

Other | English | Employment  Human capacity development  Vocational training ...more

Ma’an (female) VTI is in the Ma’an Governorate; it has only female trainees and has 8 staff.
The VTI has 2 Workshops, 0 classrooms, 1 Computer Lab.
The Operational Capacity is 100; Absorptive ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

سلسلة الوحدات التدريبية لكهروميكانيك المركبات الهجينة

Energy  Labor  Employment ...more

يعتبر الأردن من بين أكثر الدول التي تعاني نقصا في موارد الطاقة، وهذا ما يحتمّ...

22 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated about 1 year ago

Assessment Reports for Vocational Training Institutes

Management  Employment  Vocational training ...more

An Assessment Tool that has been developed and previously used by the Vocatio...

13 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

برنامج الاستعداد للعمل الآن

Labor  Basic education  Economic growth and development ...more

لقد أكتمل تطوير برنامج الاستعداد للعمل لتزويد الشباب بالمهارات والمعارف الأسا...

4 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Solar Thermal Installer Curriculum

Energy  Employment  Vocational training

يعتبر الأردن من بين اكثر الدول التي تعاني نقصَا في موارد الطاقة، وهذا يحتم عل...

7 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Occupational Safety and Health Curriculum

Education administration  Educational development  Employment ...more

The Jordan Workforce Development Project (WFD) is improving the quality of tr...

7 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago
New Organization
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USAID Jordan Workforce Development Project 2016-11-28 Member Remove Membership
New Community of Practice
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USAID COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership
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