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Rashad Bibars  

USAID LENS Approach to Home-Based Business (HBB) Development

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Food processing  Technical Document

Building on the MSE Survey conducted by USAID LENS in 2014, USAID LENS adopted a Market Systems Approach and conducted a series of analyses to identify specific market opportunities and barriers to...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago


PDF | English | Technical Document  Micro enterprises  Collaborating ...more

This report examines in detail three specific CLA “cycles”, two “major” and one “minor”, that were critical in addressing key structural and operational challenges in the first two years of the USA...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

USAID LENS MSE Survey Report 2018

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Economic research  Reports ...more

This report presents high level findings from a 2018 survey replication of a survey initially conducted by the USAID Jordan Local Enterprise Support Project (LENS) in 2014-2015. This earlier survey...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

Jordan Food Week Internal Evaluation

PDF | English | Food processing  Evaluation Report  Micro enterprises

As a capstone to three years of work by USAID LENS in food processing, Jordan Food Week (JFW) attracted twenty-five thousand individuals in July 2018 to celebrate authentic Jordanian cuisine. This ...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

Assessment of DFS Uitilization in Cooperatives

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Assessment ...more

The objective of this assessment was three-fold: The first objective was to better understand the progress the digital financial services (DFS) market in Jordan has made to date, including availabl...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

Informal Saving and Lending Practice_Trainer Manual (Arabic)

PDF | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Manual  Gender ...more

تمت كتابة هذا الدليل لاستخدامات مدرب/مقرر مجموعات الادخار والإقراض غير الرسمية على النحو التالي:

- كدليل للمدربات للقيام بالتدريب على بعض المفاهيم المتعلقة بالتمويل وإجراءات وخطوات تشكيل مجموعات...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

Informal Saving and Lending Practice - Patricipant Materials (Arabic)

PDF | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Gender ...more

تمت كتابة هذا الدليل لاستخدامات أعضاء مجموعات الادخار والإقراض غير الرسمية على النحو التالي:

- كملحق لحضور التدريب خلال مرحلة تشكيل مجموعات الادخار والإقراض غير الرسمية الجديدة التي سينضمون لها،...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago


PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Technical Document  Gender

USAID LENS sought to develop, through the work of a dedicated taskforce, a
model for an institutional umbrella, consisting of one or more entities, able to offer sustainable support
for women wor...

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago

USAID LENS Maintenance Service Center Feasibility Study

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Study  Gender

This report presents the findings of a financial feasibility study regarding the establishment of a
service center in four selected geographic areas: Al-Jama’ah and Quwaysimah in Amman, Irbid

Issued on 2019.
Uploaded almost 5 years ago
Last updated almost 5 years ago
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