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Belal Alnoabani  

USAID Graphic Standards Manual Arabic

Presentation | English | Communications  USAID

USAID Graphic Standards Manual

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

How To Note-Preparing Evaluation Reports Arabic

Document | English | Evaluation  Guidelines and Procedures  Policy Documents

This Note supplements USAID’s Automated Directives System (ADS) 201 and provides current good practice in preparing evaluation reports, the main deliverable for most evaluations. Following these pr...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

USAID Evaluation Policy Arabic

Document | English | Evaluation  Guidelines and Procedures  Policy Documents

This policy update reflects the comments and feedback of numerous USAID colleagues in the field and in Washington, as well as
the broader development and evaluation community. We thank those who h...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

GIS Template Arabic

Document | English | Guidelines and Procedures  Template  USAID

GIS Template Arabic

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

GIS Data Collection and Requirements Arabic

Document | English | Guidelines and Procedures  Template

GIS Data Collection and Requirements Arabic

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

DevResults Data Submission and Approval Arabic

Document | English | Guidelines and Procedures  Performance Measurement  Performance Monitoring ...more

DevResults Data Submission and Approval Arabic

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

DevResults Enter Direct Entry Data Arabic

Document | English | Performance Measurement  Performance Monitoring  USAID

DevResults Enter Direct Entry Data Arabic

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

DevResults and How to Use it Arabic

Document | English | Performance Monitoring  Reports  USAID

DevResults and How to Use It

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

USAID Jordan IP Quarterly Report Template Arabic

Document | English | Template  Performance Monitoring  USAID

USAID Jordan IP Quarterly Report Template Arabic

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

DQA Checklist Template Arabic

Document | English | Training Material  Performance Monitoring

Data Quality Checklist

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated 6 months ago

Arabic Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Sta...

Guidelines and Procedures  Template  Performance Monitoring ...more

The Arabic MEL Starter Pack is intended to provide USAID/Jordan stakeholders ...

31 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated over 1 year ago

Beneficiary Feedback Plan Training

Training Material  Performance Monitoring  USAID

This training will provide IPs with the skills needed to effectively integr...

2 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated over 1 year ago

Designing and Managing Evaluations Training

Evaluation  Training Material

The Designing and Managing Evaluations Training is designed to:
1. Acquir...

12 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 1 year ago
Last updated over 1 year ago
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