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    over 8 years
Bandar Al Huniti  

M&E fundamentals participant guide 2007

PDF | English | Development organizations  Development program planning and management  Evaluation ...more

This course is based on the M&E fundamentals Web course created in 2007 by MEASURE Evaluation for the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Global Health Learning Web site at http://www.globa...

Issued on 2007.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Indicators for Assessing Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices 2010

PDF | English | Health education  Maternal child health care

This document is the result of a collaborative effort to improve the measurement and use of indicators to assess infant and young child feeding practices, initiated by the World Health Organization...

Issued on 2010.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Human Resources for Health Indicator Compendium 2011

PDF | English | Health  Employment  Performance Measurement

This compendium issued in 2011 provides a list of published indicators on human resources for health (HRH) organized according to the results framework of the USAID Capacity Plus project. The objec...

Issued on 2011.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Workload Indicators of Staffing Need, User's Manual 2008

PDF | English | Health  Employment  Health facilities

This manual is a revision of an earlier Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) user’s manual, which was prepared by Peter Shipp and published by WHO in 1998. The WISN method is based on a heal...

Issued on 2008.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Global Health Principles-Monitoring and Evaluation Resource Guide--2014

PDF | English | Health  Evaluation  Performance Measurement

This guide was created in 2014 by the U.S. government with the support of Measure Evaluation in order to provide a standard, cohesive, and evidence based approach to monitoring and sustaining progr...

Issued on 2014.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Access to Health Care and Tensions in Jordanian Communities Hosting Syri...

PDF | English | Community health care delivery  Health care  Health care education

This assessment was carried out by REACH with support from the British Embassy in Amman between August 2013 and March 2014 across the six northern Jordanian governorates of Ajloun, Balqa, Irbid, Ja...

Issued on 2014.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Population and Family Health Survey 2012

PDF | English | Health  Maternal child health care  Population surveys

This report summarizes the findings of the 2012 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS) carried out by the Department of Statistics (DoS). The survey was funded by the government of Jord...

Issued on 2013.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Final Report of Jordan Healthcare Accreditation Project 2013

PDF | English | Health care  Health care administration  Health education

This is a final report of the Jordan Healthcare Accreditation Project (JHAP), a six-year (2007-2013) USAID funded project. JHAP was designed to improve the health status of all Jordanians. The over...

Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Health Services Strengthening II Midterm Evaluation 2012

PDF | English | Health  Maternal child health care  Reproductive health care

This report presents the findings of a team commissioned by USAID/Jordan to conduct a midterm evaluation of Health Systems Strengthening ll (HSS II), a five-year (2009-2014) USAID funded project. T...

Issued on 2012.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago

Health Sector Humanitarian Response Strategy 2014-2015

PDF | English | Health  Community health care delivery  Community health workers

The Health Sector Humanitarian Response Strategy was developed by a Health Sector Strategic Advisory group in early 2015. This document outlines the context of the humanitarian response in Jordan, ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2015.
Uploaded over 8 years ago
Last updated over 8 years ago
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USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program (MESP) 2014-06-02 Member Remove Membership
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USAID COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership
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