BPWA - Business Professional Women- Second Annual Ambassadors Conference  

In the year 2007, the BPW-A submitted a proposal to SABEQ requesting financial support
for the call center project. SABEQ approved a grant of JD 57,500 in November 2007,
supporting the set-up and first year operation costs for the Amman and Zarqa call centers.
The Amman call center and the Zarqa call center have both been set up. The Amman Call
center is operational since March 2008. The Zarqa Call center will commence its operations
in May 2009.
The Amman Call Center partnered with the private sector (E3mar); a specialized customer
contact center that operates in Jordan, to provide call center and PC software,
communications hardware, communication links, IT backbone, management, marketing,
agent salaries and benefits, and other headquarter overhead