Economic development program (SABEQ) Deliverables  

Technical assistance, training and related assistance to enhance the competitiveness of Jordanian firms (ranging from micro through small, medium and large) and increase the number of jobs available to Jordanians. This will be accomplished by strengthening capital markets, improving business enabling environment, expanding trade and investment, and improving private sector competitiveness.

Supply Demand GAP Analysis - In Jordan ICT Sector

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Educational development ...more

In an effort to develop a national cooperative framework for professional education and training
driven by the needs and requirements of skill set and professions in the Information and

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 6 years ago

"الوصف الوظيفي ل "أمين سر المجلس

PDF | Arabic | Communications  Information management  Public administration ...more

لهدف العام للوظيفة :تنظيم جدول أعمال اجتماعات مجلس الادارة في الشركة وكتابة محاضر الجلسات وتجهيز القرارات الصادلرة عن مجلس الادارة واعداد مسودات المراسلات ذاتا العلاقة و تحريرها ومتابعة توقيعها و ت...

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Last updated over 7 years ago

نموذج -موارد بشرية-الاستقطاب والاختيار05 للشركة الاردنية لتطوير المناطق...

PDF | Arabic | Template

(نموذج -موارد بشرية-الاستقطاب والاختيار (الاعلان الداخلي لشغل الوظيفة

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Last updated over 7 years ago

Intaj Action Plan- Five years Strategic for the information Technology A...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Private sector ...more

The next five years are critical ones for the Jordanian ICT sector. Accomplishing the
goals of the National ICT Strategy requires strong leadership and effective
management. As the implementation...

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Issued on 2007.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

The ِِAssociation of Banks in Jordan - A REPORT ON ITS STRUCTURE, MISSIO...

PDF | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Economic sectors ...more

The Association of Banks in Jordan (ABJ) is the principal trade association for banks
operating in Jordan and serves the country's 23 member banks, including eight branches of
foreign banks. The ...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

تحليل اطار العمل العمل التشريعي للاعسار المالي - ارشادات حول تطوير قانون...

PDF | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Investment  Labor economics ...more

يقوم برنامج (سابق بمساعدة دائرة مراقبة الشركات لتطوير قانون الاعسار المالي الجديد يتوفر لدى الأردن حالياً اجراءات تصفية وإعادة الهيكلة المالية "صلح واق من الإفلاس" المنصوص عليها في قانون الشركات وا...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

White Paper on Legal Obstacles to SME Loans in Jordan

PDF | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Financial (capital) markets ...more

The growth of SME financing is most pronounced in emerging markets that benefit from a
proper legal framework. Examples include robust economies in Asia and Latin America and
in Eastern European ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

الخطة الاستراتيجية والدليل التنظيمي لغرفة تجارة اربد

PDF | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Finance  Strategic planning ...more

تأسست غرفة تجارة محافظة إربد عام 1950 بموجب قانون الغرف التجارية رقم 41 لسنة 1949 وهي مؤسسة ذات نفع عام - لها شخصيتها المعنوية وهي ثاني غرفة تجارية بعد غرفة تجارة عمان من حيث التأسيس الحديث علما ان...

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Issued on 2008.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

GAP Analysis for Farmers and Agricultural Field Advisors

PDF | English | Agricultural policy  Economic growth and development  Labor economics ...more

the National Agricultural Strategy identified weaknesses in the agricultural
sector. One of the major weaknesses was the lack of training. Our goal was to recognize the
areas of training that can...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Public Private Partnerships

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Government and law ...more

This paper describes the components of a Public-Private Partnership using a partnership
formed by: the Consolidated Contractors Company and the Morganti Group Inc.
(CCC/MORGANTI); Al-Balqa’ Appli...

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Issued on 2009.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Corporate Governance - Outline

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Financial (capital) markets ...more

This report to Explain business forms and increase awareness of the implications of corporate governance on the roles of shareholders, stakeholders and some theoretical concepts; Forms of Business...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trainees manual -level 3 (Arabic)

PDF | Arabic | Education  Economic growth and development  Quality of life ...more

مدراء المستقبل:برنامج تدريبي يستهدف حديثي التخرج العاملين في الصناعة من اجل تعزيز مكانتهم الوظيفية كمدراء في مصانع قادرة على المنافسة ومستدامة وخضراء

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Issued on 2009.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Trainees manual -level 2 (Arabic)

PDF | Arabic | Education  Economic growth and development  Training Material ...more

مدراء المستقبل:برنامج تدريبي يستهدف حديثي التخرج العاملين في الصناعة من اجل تعزيز مكانتهم الوظيفية كمدراء في مصانع قادرة على المنافسة ومستدامة وخضراء

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Issued on 2009.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

DAP (Development Agreement Package ) Submitter Requirements for Master D...

PDF | English | Contraceptive methods  Economic growth and development  Economic research ...more

The Development Zone Commission of Jordan (DZC) is the responsible entity for releasing
public land to those entities interested in entering the Development Zone Program as Master
Developers. It ...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

CARANA Jordan - Economic Growth Assessment

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Guidelines and Procedures ...more

The USAID/Jordan Economic Growth Office asked CARANA Corporation to undertake an Economic Growth Assessment under the BEAM (Business Enabling Environment for Agile Markets) Project. The assessment ...

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Issued on 2012.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPO Sector Marketing and Investment promotion Plan for DZC

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Regional development  Stakeholders ...more

Starting from its current, relatively modest base of front-office service providers, Jordan’s
BPO industry has the potential to be a significant driver of economic growth, foreign direct

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Build the Capacity of Market Intelligence Unit Coordinator at the AE

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  Strategic planning ...more

The objective of project is to build the capacity of the MIU coordinator at the A/E BC to be
able to perform his role more effectively and provide relevant and up-to-date market
information servi...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Enhance Managerial Skills University Graduates Working in Industrial Fac...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Evaluation ...more

The training program targeted recently graduated private and public sector employees,
focusing on enhancing their managerial skills and encouraging them to deepen their
ambition to build their pr...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

CMMI Grant Completion Report

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Organizational structure  Development strategies

CMMI® for Development from the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon
University, USA is an improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential
elements of effective pr...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Market Intelligence Unit

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Civil Engineering ...more

Under the USAID Grant, the Architects/Engineers Business Council (A/E BC) spent the last
12 months implementing the Marketing Intelligence Unit's (MIU) action plan previously
developed and funded...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Summer Internship Program

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

One of the major factors negatively affecting the unemployment rate and the ability of the
private sector firms to hire Jordanians is the mismatch between the Jordanian academic
institutions outp...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Transforming Madrasati Schools To Green Building

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Small scale enterprises ...more

A green school is a healthy, high performance school that monitors its ecological footprint. A
high performance school is one that provides a healthy learning and working environment for
its stud...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Green Building Situation in Jordan

Other | English | Communications  Credit  Economic growth and development ...more

Green Building Situation in Jordan can be characterized by the following:
 High proportion of engineers in Jordan.
 Energy and water are in short supply.
 Implementation of existing Jordanian...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

DFZC Invitation for Qualification Template for The Development and Free ...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Private sector ...more

The Government of Jordan wishes to promote effective private sector participation in zone development within the framework of Law No. 2 of 2008 and its amended by Law No. 38 of 2010 (The Law). The ...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Specifications Requirements For Master Developer Submissions to The Deve...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Public land records and registration ...more

As set-out in Law No.2 of 2008 and its modifications contained in Law No. 38 of 2010,(The Law). The Development and Free Zone Commission of Jordan (DFZC) is the responsible agency for releasing pub...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Graduate Internship Program (GIP)

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

The Jordan National ICT Strategy aims to develop a strong Jordanian Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) Sector to contribute to sustainable economic growth, job
creation and empowerment.

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Development Programs

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Food processing  Regional development ...more

A GRANT TO THE JORDAN EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION;This document is the end-of-project report for Grant # 2010-03-JEA. Through this grant JEA conducted a series of export capacity building programs and ac...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

SEMP (Strategic Environmental Management Plans) of Ma'an Mafraq and Irbid

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Management operations and methods ...more

The Development and Free Zones Commission had enabled, through a USAID-supported initiative, three rapid environmental assessments (REAs)1 to be carried out for each of the previously established M...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

DFZC Environmental LR(Low Risk) economic Activities Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Manual ...more

The environmental clearance process is a critical part of the One Stop Shop of the Development and Free Zones Commission. No economic activity may be granted an operational permit (and hence procee...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Coaching Program for Food Manufacturing Companies

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Exports ...more

This document is the end-of-project report for the Export Coaching Program that included
Jordanian food manufacturing companies. Competence Management Consulting
implemented the project during th...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Green Building Education Report

Other | English | Education  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

This report was prepared in response to a TOR to deliver series of educational/training
programs including a public workshop for the A&E Business Council, a workshop at the
University of Jordan o...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Training program For installing and maintaining SWH (Solar Water Heating...

Other | English | Government  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

The South Company for Construction and Development (SCCD) is a privately held company, wholly owned by the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD), mandated by His Majesty to develop the South...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Coaching Program for AE and Environmental Firms

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental planning  Evaluation ...more

This document is the end-of-project report for the Export Coaching Program conducted with six Jordanian Architecture, Engineering and Environmental companies. Competence Management Consulting imple...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Force Profile of Ma'an Development Area

Other | English | Communities  Development activity planning and management  Economic growth and development ...more

The Ma‟an Development Area (MDA) is the only development zone in the South of Jordan
which is regulated by the Development Zones Commission (DZC). The MDA has achieved
excellent investment result...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Impact Assessment - PME(Performance Monitoring And Evaluation ) Methodol...

Other | English | Energy  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

In 2008 the program developed an impact framework based on the three key initiatives around which the bulk of the program's efforts naturally cluster;Inserting Jordan into Global Value Chains in th...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Readiness Assessment Report

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Exports ...more

This report outlines the results of the export-readiness assessment conducted under the TOR “Export Coaching Program for five ICT Tier 2 Firms”. The purpose of the assessment was to evaluate the le...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Manual a Practical Guide to Developing Export Markets

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Exports ...more

The complexities of international markets create many challenges and opportunities to businesses. Advances in information technology and communications, coupled with trade liberalization and the el...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Export Coaching Program for Five ICT Tier 2 Firms

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

This is the end-of-project report for the project Export Coaching Program that included five
second-tier information and communications technology firms. The Jordan Exporters
Association and int@...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

The Packaging and Labeling Unit at Beit Al Bawadi

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Private sector ...more

The overall objective of the Packaging and Labeling Unit within the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Develvopment (JOHUD) was to support the competitiveness, profitability, outreach, and sustaina...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JSC E-filing Disclosure Project

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Financial management ...more

The e-filling Disclosure Project will provide Jordan Securities Commission (hereinafter
referred to as “JSC”) with a comprehensive solution to handle its ongoing processes and
transactions. The d...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Intaj Advocacy Program Grant Program

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Regional development ...more

Int@j, the Information & Communications Technology Association of Jordan, is an
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry-support association founded in
2000 with the aim of improv...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Good Agricultural Practice

Other | English | Agricultural research  Economic growth and development  Farming systems ...more

An increasing number of studies, including those from the World Health Organization
(WHO), cite overuse of fertilizers and pesticides as among the chief causes of illness.
Overuse of fertilizers ...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Community Water Harvesting Systems Project

PDF | English | Agricultural research  Communities  Cooperatives ...more

Jordan is classified among countries with limited water resources and in fact is the lowest on
a per capita basis. The available water resources per capita are falling as a result of
population g...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

AlKarak (CDC) Career Development Center

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

As part of the efforts to enhance employability of Jordanian youth, and in order to provide
needed training and assistance for university students to help them bridge the gap between
academia and...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Site Investigation and Geo technical Evaluation of the Hanger in Ghour A...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Soil sciences and research ...more

This report presents the findings of the site investigation and geo technical and concrete evaluation for the existing hangar.

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Business Development Unit Design

Other | English | Development organizations  Economic growth and development  Environmental management ...more

Design Jordan continues to achieve success through the products it produces and markets in international exhibitions. To augment its commercial reach, it has created a unit that will focus on incre...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

MIT (Ministry of Industry and Trade ) Economic Counselors Portal

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Training Material

Primus has developed an improved; SharePoint based Economic Counselor’s Portal
which is incorporated within the rules and regulations that govern the Ministry of
Industry and Trade operations. Th...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Communication Strategy

Other | English | Communications  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

The purpose of this presentation is to set the guidelines & strategy for the Development Zones Commission’s communication on both external & internal levels.

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Force Profile of Irbid Development Area

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Educational development ...more

The labor force profile study for Irbid Development Area aims at identifying the labor demand
by the private sector firms in the Area, as well as, the labor supply in Irbid Governorate, in
terms ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Training and Development Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Training Material ...more

Staff training and personal skill development is a key factor for architecture and engineering
firms in attaining their key business objectives. Without continued learning and professional

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Succession Planning Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Technology ...more

A critical, but often overlooked area of Human Resources management is succession
Planning, the process of identifying, developing, and grooming the next generation of
organization leaders. Parti...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Recruitment and Selection Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Manual ...more

Overwhelmingly, staff recruitment and selection is one of the biggest challenges that
architecture, engineering, consulting engineering, and environmental consulting firms
continue to struggle wi...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

HR Strategy and Organization Manual

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

For architecture and engineering firms, human resources management means carrying out
four basic functions: staff recruitment, staff retention, staff development, and minimizing
employment relate...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Performance Appraisals Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Training Material ...more

The purpose of this manual is to allow HR staff members to create an effective performance
appraisal process and develop templates by which to measure employee growth and

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Marketing and Communications Plan for Pomegranate Producers Through Jord...

Other | English | Communications  Agriculture  Economic growth and development ...more

The primary objective of this marketing and communication plan is to provide the Jordan
Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables (JEPA) with insight and
direction to the marke...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Manual for Stakholders Consultation

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Manual  Stakeholders ...more

This Stakeholders consultation manual sets the standards for public structured engagement
with stakeholders that involves seeking, receiving, analyzing and responding to feedback
from stakeholder...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Manual for Regulatory Impact (RIA) Assessment

Other | English | Performance Measurement  Policy Documents  Manual ...more

This Manuel lists the steps needed to implement a sound and coherent regulatory Impact
Assessment, serving a certain policy through the incorporation of and refinements to
systems for regulatory ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Business Licensing Legislation and system for Home Business in Greater A...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Investment ...more

Home-based businesses are currently prohibited in Jordan except for a limited “housewife
exception”. Despite this prohibition, a number of micro businesses operate from homes on
an informal basis...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Qualifying Pesticieds Testing Laboratory for Accreditation

Other | English | Agriculture  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

This report summarized the outcomes and findings of the post assessment activities conducted on 2nd December 2009 to assess the readiness of the Pesticides Residues Laboratory in the Ministry of Ag...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jordan Valley Geographical Information Systems Land Survey

Other | English | Government  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

In 2008, The USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ)
developed, based on a request from the Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation, a Land Use Plan for the North East Dead S...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Hospital Customer Care Policies Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Health care ...more

This document can be used by Jordanian hospitals to ensure that the principles of patient
centered and customer care are utilized to plan and deliver health care services. This
document is not in...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Three Dimensional Movie Showcasing Land Use Plan for North East Dead Sea...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Natural resources management  Regional development ...more

Based on a request from the Development Zones Commission, the attached video
was developed to reflect the vision for the Dead Sea and its land use plan.
The video (3-4 minutes), showcases the lan...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Market Assessment and Demand Forecast for Jabal Ajloun Development Compa...

Other | English | Government  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

The Ajloun Development Zone is a 2,200-dumum development area that is situated in a
prime location within the Jabal Ajloun Development Area (JADA).1 The development of the
land, which was within ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

AEE (Association of Energy Engineers) Chapter Development and CEM (Certi...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Energy economics  Evaluation ...more

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) is a nonprofit professional society of over 12,000
members and over 18,000 certified professionals in 78 countries. The mission of AEE is “to
promote the...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

HR Training Workshop at the 4th National Job Fair

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Private sector  Regional development ...more

This report is based on the consulting agreement with USAID Jordan Economic
Development Program (SABEQ). It is part of SABEQ imitative to support the Ministry
of Labor in conducting national job ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Entity Green Recycling

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Training Material ...more

Providing Comprehensive Recycling Services Sustainably;Entity Green Training incubates sustainable businesses and implements specialized training
programs. EGT is a company that benefits the envir...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Enhance Green Collar Skills Among University Gradutes

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Evaluation ...more

The program targets factory employees recently graduated from universities, and
aims at enhancing their managerial skills and encouraging them to deepen their
ambition to build their professional...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Supporting the A and E BC(Business Council) in Developing HR Framework

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Manual  Civil Engineering ...more

The project goal is to assist the Architecture and Engineering (A&E) Sector to play a key role
in the overall Economic Development of Jordan through improving the efficiency and
effectives of the...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jabal Ajloun Area-Conceptual Master Plan Design Report

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Economic policy ...more

This report combined by the power point presentation and drawings represents the work done to produce a conceptual master plan for a Resort Community in the Anjara Military Base, which is the first...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

LED Fundraising Toolkit

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

In June 2010, the USAID Jordan Economic Development Program completed a plan for the
Development Zones Commission that identified a Local Economic Development Strategy for
the Sweimeh Community. ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Guideline For Gender Equitable Employment Practices

Other | English | Education  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

Attention to gender equality as well as the political, social and economic empowerment of
women has increasingly received attention over the years from international donors,
governments, and deve...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JIB Targeted Investment Promotion Plan Report

Other | English | Energy  Economic growth and development  Environmental management ...more

The main purpose of the work was to help JIB´s management in the process of training
and developing the Investment Promotion team in the best practices of Investment
Promotion and moving forward ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strengthening Coordination for Women's Economic Participation

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Environmental management ...more

To anyone observing the scene of women economic integration in Jordan, it surely comes
across as a busy one. Many stakeholders have realized the importance of increasing women’s
economic particip...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

National ICT Training Academy Strategy

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Information technology ...more

A Structural and Operational Guide for Sustainable Workforce Development in Information and Communications Technology.According to the 2010 World Economic Forum competitiveness indicators, Jordan i...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

OECD(Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development's Declaratio...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Investment ...more

OECD’s Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises (The
Declaration) dates from 1976 and is a policy commitment by the governments of OECD
countries on International Inv...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Ghour Al-Safi Grading Facility

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Electric power  Evaluation ...more

This assignment is undertaken as part of USAID Jordan Economic Development Program’s
contribution to improve the competitiveness of key economic sectors in Jordan including the
agricultural secto...

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Issued on 2010.
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Streamlining Government Employment Services

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

Different governmental and semi-governmental entities offer public employment services in Jordan. The Ministry of Labor is seeing an opportunity in streamlining the functions carried out by the dif...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

An SME Credit Scoring Model Illustration-Small Retail Business

Other | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

Credit scoring models are used globally to process a variety of loan applications including SME loan applications. As stated in the previous Report, scoring models bring considerable institutional ...

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Issued on 2010.
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EWE CleanTech FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) Attraction

Other | English | Climate change  Economic growth and development  Finance ...more

To promote energy independence and economic growth, Jordan aims to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) in the clean tech / EWE sector
• Initial analysis conducted in December 2009 suggest...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Conducting A Survey of the Export Furniture Industry in Jordan

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Exports ...more

Jordan Furniture Exporters and Manufacturers Association, JFEMA, is a nonprofit
association established in the 2004. The core purpose of JFEMA is to solely represent the
Jordanian furniture expor...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Shabakat Program

Other | English | Communications  Education  Government ...more

Shabakat Al Ordon is a not-for-profit limited liability company, incorporated in Jordan in 2005
to institutionalize the NetCorps Jordan program launched by HMK Abdullah II in 2002.
Shabakat youth...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Identify Requirements for Transportation Inftrastructure in the BPO (Bus...

Other | English | Population and demography  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

A transportation preliminary study for Irbid Development Area (IDA) has been developed
considering the current demand issues of two Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
companies, namely CrystelCal...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Economic Scenario Planning

Other | English | Energy  Economic growth and development  Economic policy ...more

The USAID funded Economic Development Program (SABEQ) in its overall economic
cooperation with the Government of Jordan, conducted economic scenario planning sessions to
explore possible outcomes...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Force Profile of Dead Sea Development Area

Other | English | Education  Communities  Development organizations ...more

The Labor Force Supply and Demand Profile of Dead Sea Development Area represents the
results of a field survey study conducted during October 2009, covering the existing
companies within Dead Se...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Workplace and Adaptation Skills Training to Women Workers

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

The Jordan Economic Development Program- (SABEQ), USAID funded works on building
the capacity of the workforce with special focus on gender integration. SABEQ has
developed a manual on workplace ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

FDI Attraction and Creating Local Demand

Other | English | Energy  Economic growth and development  Policy Documents ...more

Jordan faces energy and water scarcity challenges which are among the
most acute in the world
• Addressing these energy and water challenges will help Jordan progress
toward key strategic and ec...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Enriching the Professional Communities Portal with Learning Resources

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Template ...more

USAID funded Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ) supports Jordanian businesses
through providing technical assistance that enhances their productivity and the quality of their
services. P...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPWA (Business Professional Women-Amman) Second Annual Ambassadors Confe...

Other | English | Education  Economic growth and development  Environmental management ...more

BPW-A serves as a gateway to promote leadership, education, and job-linked training for
women across Jordan. It is engaged in a wide range of developmental projects that aim to
improve the qualit...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Expanding Trade and Economic Coooperation with Jordan's Neighbors

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial institutions  International trade ...more

Jordan’s economic relations with its closest neighbors, Iraq and West Bank, have grown
over recent years despite the ongoing tensions and security concerns in the region. Iraq
remains one of Jord...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trainees manual -level 1 (Arabic)

Other | Arabic | Education  Economic growth and development  Quality of life ...more

مدراء المستقبل:برنامج تدريبي يستهدف حديثي التخرج العاملين في الصناعة من اجل تعزيز مكانتهم الوظيفية كمدراء في مصانع قادرة على المنافسة ومستدامة وخضراء

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

DSDC (Dead Sea Development Company) Marketing Plan

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Regional development ...more

Jordan’s recently established Dead Sea Development Area has the potential to receive
significant private sector led investment into large-scale tourism-related property
development, hospitality-r...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JNC (Jordan Nursing Council) Continuous education provider Acccreditation

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Health care education  Strategic planning ...more

The Jordanian Nursing Council (JNC) is an independent agency serving the government of
Jordan to improve nursing practice within Jordan. It provides services to nurses of Jordan for
improving nur...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessing Business Gender Equitable Development and Training Service

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods  Population surveys ...more

This baseline survey will be distributed to participating companies to measure the
degree of their business environment friendliness towards female employees. This
survey is part of a project to ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Human Resources Best Practices

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Health research  Safety ...more

Human resources systems and procedures are an indicator of best practices in the architecture
and engineering (A&E) sector. While this sector in Jordan has an accumulated experience
that spans de...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Adjustment Assistance in Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  International trade ...more

Tariff policies in Jordan have provided high levels of protection to domestic industries
producing products that substitute for imported commodities. Such protectionist policies
provide little ba...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review and Recommendations for PC(Professional community) Improvment Sus...

Other | English | Energy  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

As the Professional Communities Initiative concludes at its first stages, and prepares for
management handoff from SABEQ to a local organization, feedback from members showed
that there is a need...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Analysis and Recommendations for Customs Tarif Reform

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Economic reform  Education policy ...more

During the past decade, the Jordanian economy has embarked on a period of renewed
growth, which has resulted in strong (real and nominal) GDP growth, rising per capita GDP
and rising export perfo...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

MBO Cross Agency Work Plan and Methodology

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Investment ...more

The new Development Zones Law of 2008, which was passed by Parliament in early 2008,
establishes a set of specialized rules to facilitate regional investment. Its goals are
"enhancing the economi...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Development of Engineering Companies Qualification System

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Government programs ...more

This project was a tumultuous one as it presented major difficulties in data and opinion
generation. Moreover, immediate evaluation of the current system and initial consultations
with members of...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Creating an Effective Internship Program

Other | English | Education  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

The level and pace of economic growth depends, in part, on the availability of a qualified and
willing labor force. USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ) workforce
development activit...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Silsal Marketing Plan

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental policy  Labor economics ...more

Part of SABEQ’s support to the members of the Business & Professional Women – Amman [BPW-A] in developing comprehensive marketing plans.Silsal ceramics was started in 1991 as a social development p...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Surveying Skills and Techniques Workshop

Other | English | Science  Economic growth and development  Systems and equipment ...more

As per the request of the Greater Irbid Municipality to upgrade the skills of 35 surveyors
working at the Municipality on surveying skills and techniques, a training workshop was
designed and imp...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Financial Management Training

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Regional development ...more

Jordan is distinguished for having the largest per capita percentage of engineering degree
graduates in the world. As such, the country has much latent talent. Moreover, Jordanian
architecture an...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Badr Adduja Marketing Plan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Human behavior  Strategic planning ...more

Part of SABEQ‘s Support to the members of The Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women (JFBPW) in Developing
Marketing Plans; USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ) through its

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Estimating Energy Potential of BioGas from Al-Akeeder Landfill

Other | English | Science  Disaster recovery  Economic growth and development ...more

Al Akeeder landfill is the largest landfill site in Northern Jordan. The site serves more than 20
municipalities that comprise about 70 towns and villages and receives an average daily
amount of ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Green Building Codes

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Private sector  Guidelines and Procedures ...more

USAID-funded Economic Development Program SABEQ
issued a report on “Green Building Codes Assessment and Development of
Recommended Framework’’ and distributed it to all relevant stakeholders from...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Private Dead Sea Bus Transportation Company

Other | English | Transportation  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

Based on extensive consultation with owners and operators of hotels within the Dead Sea, a
need was identified to enhance access of workers to the area through the establishment of a
private bus ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Business and Professional Women- Amman (BPW-A) Website

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Economic research  Information management ...more

In a continuous effort to aid in the development of Jordan and its communities, the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID) has supported the launch of the
Business and Profess...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Concept paper Risk Capital Fund to Support SMEs and EWE(Energy,Water and...

Other | English | Energy  Economic growth and development  Environmental management ...more

Traditional sources of financing such as banks, leasing companies and existing venture
capital funds are reluctant to finance new and expanding SMEs or related EWE projects.
The global “credit cr...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Navigating Proposal Writing ; A Workshop For Jordanian Researchers

Other | English | Science  Economic growth and development  Technology ...more

If you needed additional funding to fully pursue your research, how would you go about
pursuing it? Writing a grant proposal is the avenue for receiving funding for research. This
handbook and ac...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

ABJ Consumer Focus Groups For Market Research

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Economic sectors ...more

Due to dynamic changes in the region specially the banking sector, it is very important for
banks and banking sector players to have a full and real insight to market perception and
attitude. Thi...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment and Improvement of the Current Carbon Trading

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Laws and legislation ...more

In order to increase the competitiveness of Jordanian businesses in the international carbon
credit market, it is necessary to fully understand the state of play of the Clean Development

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Allocating industrial Land Use in Jordan

Other | English | Agriculture  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

This report briefly reviews central and local GoJ initiatives to zone and map land in Jordan
for industrial use. The primary concern of government regarding industrial land use is to
ensure land ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Preparing Pesticide Residue Testing Laboratory for Accreditation

Other | English | Population and demography  Economic growth and development  Systems and equipment ...more

The production of fresh fruits and vegetables in Jordan has been, and still is, the nucleus of
income and development of the rural areas, where approximately one fifth of the Jordanian

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Analysis of the Impact of MoE Ban on the Importance of Recycled Plastic ...

Other | English | Agriculture  Economic growth and development  Private sector ...more

The plastic recycling and manufacturing industry in Jordan is an important component of the
manufacturing sector in Jordan, providing environmental benefits, as well as job creation
through the m...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Orientation Guide for EAM Maliban Satellite Factory

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods ...more

This orientation tool kit was developed as part of SABEQ support to EAM Maliban Satellite Company in Central Shounah to recruit and train 600-800 women from Central Shounah area. The objective of t...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Plan for Moving Forward

Other | English | Communications  Government  Economic growth and development ...more

For the purposes of charting a way forward, the following is a high level action plan that
allows for the implementation of the Customs Single Window. It is recognized that not all of

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Market Demand Assessment and Marketing Strategy for Medical Tourism

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Guidelines and Procedures  Assessment ...more

While there are various predictions on the actual size of the Medical Tourism market, there are clear indications that global outsourcing of medical care is becoming an industry. Between the increa...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Good Packaging and Printing Practices for Pharmaceutical Industry

Other | English | Agricultural research  Economic growth and development  Food processing ...more

Packaging and Printing are both important industries within the manufacturing sectors in
Jordan and the world. They are the most prominent sectors in Jordan; and their importance
come from the na...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Market Assessment and Demand Forecast For The Jordan Dead Sea

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Markets ...more

The Dead Sea Development Zone will transform Jordan’s dramatic Rift Valley landscape
and unique properties of the Dead Sea into a premier global tourism destination. Already a
popular attraction ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Recommendations for EDAMA Capital Network Organization and Action

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial (capital) markets  Governance ...more

This report recommends the initial design for the Capital Network, its responsibilities and
implementation action plan. It provides a reference point for the participants in the Capital
Network, ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Liquidity Managment and De-Leveraging for Commercial Banks

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Guidelines and Procedures  Training Material ...more

Presentation of the Liquidity Management and Deleveraging for Banks in Jordan

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Design of an Irbid Public Private Forum on Regulatory Simplification

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Energy policy  Financial (capital) markets ...more

USAID/Jordan has engaged BearingPoint to implement the Jordan Economic Development
Program (SABEQ). The objective of the program is to work with both the Jordanian public
and private sectors to i...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPWA - Business Professional Women- Second Annual Ambassadors Conference

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Private sector  Women in development

In the year 2007, the BPW-A submitted a proposal to SABEQ requesting financial support
for the call center project. SABEQ approved a grant of JD 57,500 in November 2007,
supporting the set-up and...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

EDAMA Action Plan

Other | English | Government  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

Establishing Jordan’s Leadership in Energy, Water, and Environmental Productivity;
EDAMA, Arabic for “sustainability,” is a private sector-led
initiative that seeks to maximize Jordan's renewable...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Market Demand Assessment For Outsourcing Sector

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Management operations and methods ...more

Recognizing the potential of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to contribute to
sustainable economic growth...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Transportation Model For Al -Tajamouat Industrial Estate

Other | English | Government  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

Al-Tajamouat Industrial Estate represents a modern micro city containing factories,
dormitories, shops and education facilities in addition to administration buildings.
Currently, there is a cont...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Developing an efficient SME Credit at Banks in Jordan

Other | English | Communications  Energy  Economic growth and development ...more

BearingPoint, Inc. is one of the world's leading consulting firms, employing over 15,000 professionals
worldwide, and serving more than 2,500 clients including major international organizations, g...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Local Wholesale Markets Operating Efficiency Implementation Plan

Other | English | Cooperatives  Economic growth and development  International trade

Interest in the marketing of cut flowers in Jordan started since the eighties of the last
century. At that time, producers initiated and organized the marketing process of flowers,
which resulted...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategy and Action Plan to Implement the Merger of JIE(Jordan's Industr...

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Economic reform ...more

The Government of Jordan (GOJ) is moving ahead with merging the Jordan Industrial Estates
Corporation (JIEC) and the Free Zones Corporation (FZC). The merger program was
suspended in recent month...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Demand Study in Mafraq

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Educational development  Employment ...more

The SABEQ program is supporting the KHBTDA in Mafraq in its efforts to attract new high
quality economic investment, through providing technical assistance and consulting services.
One of the cri...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Handicrafts Market Demand Analysis

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Markets ...more

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the main handicraft sub-sector with the highest
demand and identify the main products sold under each category. The analysis of the
market demand stu...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JGate Multi Media Presentation

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Manufacturing  Pricing

The USA clothing industry is going through a period of profound change. The elimination of
quotas has led to intense competition from manufacturers in low cost countries. As a result,
retail buye...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JFBPW (Jordan Forum For Business and Professional Women) Startegic Plan

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Regional development ...more

The Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women (JFBPW) is a not-for-profit business
association that was established in 1976 for the purpose of serving the Jordanian business and

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

ICC Training and Capacity Building Center

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Management operations and methods ...more

This business plan has been developed to serve as a blueprint that presents a clear operational
roadmap for the Training and Capacity Building Center at the Irbid Chamber of Commerce
(ICC). This ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Official Loan Surrport Program for SMEs

Other | English | Government  Cooperatives  Economic growth and development ...more

This Report analyzes loan support programs in North America and Europe and describes
the special programs created to assist SMEs caught in the credit crisis. In North America
emphasis is placed o...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Progress of Intellectual Property Rights Legislation and Enforcement in ...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

The aim of this report is to highlight key developments in IPR legislation and
enforcement in Jordan during 2008, and to identify any remaining weaknesses. This
effort comes in response to USTR’s...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Gender Awareness Session For the Customs Department Staff

Other | English | Transportation  Economic growth and development  Women in development

The objectives of these sessions were:
1. Raise Jordan customs employees’ awareness of the importance of creating an
enabling environment for women working in the customs offices in Zarqa, Sahab ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

An Assessment of Several Regional Investment Proposals in Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Regional development ...more

The six project proposals covered in this report include the following:
• Kinanah Women Association Dried Herb Project
• Jameed Production and Packaging in Karak
• Lemon Juice Processing in the ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Iribd Chamber of Industry Strategic Management Plan

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Financial management ...more

This main objective of this assignment is to carry out the main recommendations of the
assessment conducted earlier by SABEQ which was working on developing the Chamber’s
institutional structure ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Supporting the Development Zones Regulatory Framework

Other | English | Labor  Development activity planning and management  Economic growth and development ...more

This report briefly summarizes findings from an approximate 12-day mission by the author to
Jordan in November/December, 2008, to review existing draft regulations and provide
guidance on further...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Capacity Building Training of Trainers Workshop For The Jordan National ...

Other | English | Education  Economic policy  Laws and legislation ...more

Although women’s organizations in Amman are highly competent and have played a major
role in the past decade, organizations working towards women’s economic advancement in
rural areas still opera...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Corporate Governance Course : Quizzes and Exercises

Other | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Financial institutions ...more

What is corporate governance?
A) set of rules and procedures aimed at expanding the company’smarkets
b) A series of structures and processes for the direction and control of a company
c) A serie...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assist Jordan Enterprise in Recruiting Process of Long Term Technical Ex...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Financial management ...more

The consultant has signed a consulting agreement with the Economic Development Program ("SABEQ") to provide professional services to assist Jordan Enterprise in the recruiting process of three tech...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Developing A National Supply Strategy for Jordan

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Stakeholders

This study investigates the conditions in Jordan covering inflation, competition, consumer policy,
institutions, external and internal conditions, and sources of phenomena such as "sticky downward...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Research Design for Labor Supply and Demand Study in Mafraq and Irbid

Other | English | Labor  Demography and vital statistics  Economic growth and development ...more

The USAID Jordan Economic Development Program (SABEQ) is supporting the Mafraq and
Irbid Development Zones in their efforts to attract new high-quality investments, through
providing technical as...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment on Current Pricing on Pharmaceutical Sector

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Manual  Assessment ...more

Pharmaceuticals production is one of Jordan’s largest and most significant industries,
generating almost 20% of the country’s GDP from manufacturing.
The pharmaceuticals industry's importance als...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Indicative FY 2009 Budget for the Jordanian - Arabic

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Employment  Assessment ...more


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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Financial Services Survey- SMEs in Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Private sector ...more

Most banks in Jordan realize SMEs occupy a large part of the business market. Consequently, banks have formed, or are forming, SME loan departments to meet SME’s financing needs. Some banks are re-...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

GAM Non Core Activities Spin Offand Profit Center Feasibility

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Management operations and methods ...more

Pursuant to Greater Amman Municipality’s (GAM) endeavors to encourage public sector
entrepreneurship and as it embarks on organizational restructuring, GAM has launched a
project titled “Enhancin...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Customer Service and Communication Skills Training

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

The medical services sector in Jordan is considered among the best in the region. This is
largely due to the highly qualified caliber it employs and retains, and the government’s
continuous empha...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Qwara Cermics Factory Business Plan -Arabic

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Employment  Finance ...more

قام الصندوق الأردني الهاشمي للتنمية البشرية في عام 1990 بغنشاء مصنع خزف كوارة بهدف توفير فرص عمل للأردنيين للإنخراط في العمل الحرفي

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

ICT and Intellectual Property "Review of Employment Related Issues

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Laws and legislation ...more

At the request of Int@j we have been requested to conduct a comprehensive review of
Jordanian legislation as it relates to the regulation of the relationship between the employee
and the employer...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jameed Subsector Analysis and Product Development

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Quality of life  Project Management ...more

Objectives of this assignment are to:
1. Diagnose the dairy subsector jameed product in Karak and the requirements needed
to sustain production levels of jameed and enhance its quality
2. Identi...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Training Needs for AE (Architecture and Engineering) business council

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Project Management ...more

This report identifies the training needs for each member firm of the Architecture and
Engineering Business Council (AEBC). It includes the training topics each firm needs to
include in its train...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

GAM HDMU (High Density Mixed Use) One- Stop- Stop Summary End of mission...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Private sector ...more

This document describes the involvement of SABEQ in establishing a One Stop Shop (OSS)
for issuing building license for High Density Mixed Use (HDMU) developments.

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Economic Policy Unit Ministry of Industry and Trade

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Economic policy  International trade ...more

In recent years, economic policy research and analysis idn Jordan has been spread widely
among many Government institutions, is often conducted on an ad-hoc basis, is frequently
undertaken in res...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Training Needs Assessment: For Architecture and Engineering(AE) Business...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Training Material ...more

This study was prepared to identify training needs and develop a training strategy for the A/E
Business Council of Jordan. The authors extend appreciation to the staff of the AEBC,
including Sama...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Revised Corporate Governance Rating Index

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

Adapted from the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004) (OECD Principles), the
Jordan Code is a blend of both voluntary and mandatory corporate governance norms. The
mandatory corporate g...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Legalization of Home Based Business in Jordan:A Preliminary Analysis and...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Private sector ...more

The USAID-funded Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality program
(SABEQ) has as an objective the removal of constraints on private sector competitiveness.
SABEQ aims to support ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

LED Council Capacity Building Training Needs Assessment ,Plan and Traini...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Financial management ...more

This study will highlight major findings of the institutional assessment conducted for the
Karak and Irbid Regional Municipalities over the period covering February-August 2008. The
assessment co...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Capturing Organizational Reform Resources for Business Associations

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Financial management ...more

USAID funded Economical Development Program (SABEQ) supports Jordanian businesses
through providing technical assistance that enhances their productivity and the quality of
their services. Busine...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Aligning intaj operational and hr activities with the strategic directions

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Management operations and methods ...more

int@j (Information Technology Association of Jordan) is an ICT industry-support association
that embraces Jordan's ICT businesses, with a mission to promote their advancement on a
local and inter...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Recruitment and Retention Overview Support to the Jordanian Garment Sector

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Labor economics ...more

This report on the labor recruitment strategies of the apparel industry is compiled from
several Mexican mature plant tours. The information offers a wide range of views on the
apparel industry, ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Support To The Jordanian Garment Manufacturing Sector

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Markets ...more

The United States of America‘s (USA) apparel industry is going through a period of profound
change. The elimination of quotas has led to an intense competition from manufacturers in
low cost coun...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of the Proposed Draft Amendment to Article 41 of the Jordanian Cu...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Technical Document ...more

The purpose of this review is to compare provisions of the proposed draft
amendment to Article 41 of Customs Law (“New Article 41”), to the current Article 41
of the Law (“Current Article 41”), t...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Environmental Licensing at Minstry of Environment

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental protection and conservation  Investment ...more

The Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) wishes to develop a modern environmental licensing
system that ensures environmental protection and at the same time is consistent with
growing investment and ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategic Alignment of the AE Business Council

Other | English | Communications  Government  Economic growth and development ...more

The A/E Business Council represents its members from the Architectural and Engineering
services sector. The Council was established in 2005 and has had significant contributions
to the sector mos...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

AMLU (Anti-Money Laundering unit) of Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Technology ...more

A Mapping of the Business Processes Supporting the AMLU;The Anti-Money Laundering Unit (AMLU) is Jordan’s financial intelligence unit whose primary responsibility is to collect and analyze suspicio...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Firm Level Management and Technical Assistance to MonoJo

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Financial management ...more

MonoJo was established in 2005 as a private shareholding company, focused on developing
and producing monoclonal antibodies for cancer diagnostics, targeting local and regional
markets. Currently...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Certified Manager Training Program

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Information management  Lead ...more

A comprehensive program authorized by Institute of certified professional manager-ICPM which is the world's largest certifying organization for the management profession.

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

RD Awareness Campaign- English

Other | English | Communications  Education  Science ...more

The present report comes in response to the need to organize an awareness campaign on
the advantages of R&D as a tool to increase competitiveness and profitability to companies.

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Issued on 2008.
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R&D AWARENESS CAMPAIGN (Arabic) - حملة توعية عن مزايا البحث و التطوير

PDF | Arabic | Energy  Economic growth and development  Environmental policy ...more

معلومات أساسية لتنفيذ حملة التوعية عن مزايا البحث والتطوير

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategic Plan and Organizational Structure for IRCC (Irbid Chamber Of C...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Energy technology  Strategic planning

This Report highlights the main stages that were performed in the project of developing a
strategic plan and organizational structure for Irbid Chamber of Commerce; it also highlights
main findin...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Association of Banks in Jordan E-Learning Programming

Other | English | Cooperatives  Economic growth and development  Training Material ...more

The Association of Banks in Jordan (ABJ) is the principal trade association for banks
operating in Jordan and serves the country’s 23 member banks, including eight branches
of foreign banks. The ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Sample Scouring Model with Comments to assess SME Loan Requests

Other | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Finance ...more

Credit scoring models are used globally to process a variety of credit products. These
models have led to greatly enhanced credit processing and improved loan quality, which is
why lenders and re...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Study of the Therapeutic Groups that are not manufactured in Jordan

Other | English | Development activity planning and management  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

Jordan's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has modern and well-equipped
manufacturing facilities with a number of firms achieving international certifications. The
Pharmaceutical sector in Jo...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

ICT Business Registration - Classification Methodology For Jordan

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

The USAID-funded Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ)
program is a broad economic development initiative implemented by BearingPoint, Inc. and
a broad team of interna...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategic Plan for KACE (King Abdullah II Center for Excellence )

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Private sector  Strategic planning ...more

The role of King Abdullah II Center for Excellence (KACE) is to promote continuing
excellence in the public sector, private sector, business associations and non-governmental
organizations and ed...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Key Quantative Data Points Analysis on Pharma Sector in Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  International trade ...more

This report tackles an in depth study and quantitative analysis of the Jordanian
Pharmaceutical sector to reveal the history of the sector and hence explore the
opportunities. ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

GBC Assessment and Development of a Framework

Other | English | Communications  Climate change  Development activity planning and management ...more

In the wake of recent climate change and energy crises and the realization that buildings
contribute to majority of energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases, SABEQ
took the initiative ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Implementation Strategy for Business Facilitation Center in Irbid

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Markets ...more

USAID/Jordan has engaged BearingPoint to implement the Jordan Economic Development
Program (SABEQ). It is an initiative to work with both the Jordanian public and private
sectors to increase job ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Pathway to Principal and Consulting Services

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial management  Strategic planning ...more

This program is
designed for those aspiring to be leaders and principals within their firm; as well as current

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Packaging Sector Strategy

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Environmental policy ...more

Packaging is an important industry both in Jordan and the world. It is one of the most
prominent sectors ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan Integrated Marketing and comunica...

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

The American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan, (AmCham-Jordan) was founded in 1999
under the name of the Jordanian American Business Association (JABA). The Jordanian
government officially approved ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JSC E-Filing Project and Master Plan Documents

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

This preliminary master plan document is designed to describe the key objectives, attributes, and functional
requirements to implement a proposed e-Filing Pilot System (e-Filing) Project for the J...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Promoting Women's Access to Finance

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Strategic planning ...more

Women owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face significant constraints in
accessing finance for business start up, growth and expansion. Studies and
assessments reveal this happens for two ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Marketing Plan Branding Framework for ITQAN

Other | Arabic | Agricultural research  Economic administration  Finance ...more

تضم جمعية اتقان للمهندسات الزراعيات 100 مهندسة وتنتج مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات الزراعية الصحية الطبيعية تحت اسم بيلسان وتعمل الجمعية منذ أربع سنوات وقد بلغت مبيعات الجمعية خلال عام 2007 ما مجموعة 6...

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Issued on 2004.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Concept Paper on Establishing an Economic Policy Research Unit in The mi...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Economic policy ...more

The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) has policy, implementation, regulation and
monitoring roles encompassing a broad mandate, which includes foreign and domestic
trade, industrial/private se...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Communications Strategy and Action Plan - King Abdullah II Center For Ex...

Other | English | Communications  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

This communications review/ action plan is the product of a 12-day technical
assistance assignment undertaken by SABEQ. The purpose of this report is to
present an assessment of the main communic...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategies for Harris Interactive - Jordan Media Survey

PDF | English | Communications  Demography and vital statistics

Statistical Information Technology Co who mobilized for this exercise 40 interviewers,10 supervisors and coordinators;8 technicians for data entry processing

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Land and Survey Department-Title Registration and Transfer Process

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Public administration  Public land records and registration ...more

The World Bank "Doing Business" Report, an important reference to investors across the
world, considers the simplicity and cost associated with "Property Registration" as an
indicator for the eas...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Professional Communities Focus Group FeedBack Report

Other | English | Communities  Development cooperation  Economic growth and development ...more

This concept to establish a Professional Community (PC) of Risk Managers in Jordan arose
owing to three primary drivers as follows:
1. The CBJ has mandated the adoption of the new Basel II regula...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Insolvency Legislative Frame Work Analysis

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Investment  Laws and legislation ...more

SABEQ is assisting the Companies Control Department to develop a new Insolvency1 Law.
Jordan currently has liquidation and financial restructuring (“Composition”) proceedings that
are provided fo...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Professional Communities Focus Group FeedBack Report

Other | English | Communities  Development cooperation  Economic growth and development ...more

Professional Communities is an InsTran initiative that will serve as means through which
SABEQ’s technical experts will better and more directly connect with, support, and make
value-added resour...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jordan Forum for Business Professional Women Incubator

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Education policy  Finance ...more

Economic development is intimately tied to the level of entrepreneurial activity within
a country. In well-developed economies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
constitute between 50% and 70% ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Build AML CFT Capacity at Commercial Banks

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods  Training Material ...more

This consultancy was conducted as part of SABEQ project aiming at building AML/CFT
Compliance Capacity at commercial banks and providing AML/CFT train-the-trainer

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Mentoring of Medical Sector

Other | English | Development cooperation  Economic growth and development  Medical equipment ...more

This report details the activities and conclusions of the first mentorship assignment of the
medical sector. Following preliminary consultations between the Enhanced Productivity
Component Lead, ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jordan Environmental Fund

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Environmental protection and conservation ...more

The Government of Jordan through the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) is establishing the
Jordan Environmental Fund (the “Fund”) to provide financial support for projects that will
strengthen the ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

SME Starategy and business Plan

Other | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Structural adjustment ...more

Following meetings with nine banks, ABC Bank (the Bank) was one of three banks in
Jordan selected for consultancy work under the SABEQ Program. Several meetings
were held at the Bank. This Report...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Loan product for the SME Market

PDF | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Finance ...more

Capital Bank was one of three banks in Jordan selected for consultancy work. Two
meetings were held with the Deputy General Manager and the Chief Credit Officer
(CCO). This Report will focus on a...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Recommendations for improving compliance of Jordanian Financial Services...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Inspections ...more

In an effort to increase investor confidence and market integrity, the Jordan Securities
Commission is seeking to raise the proficiency standards for compliance officers responsible
for the regul...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

The Association of Banks in Jordan Recommendations Banking Sectors Research

Other | English | Communications  Communities  Demography and vital statistics ...more

Jordan's banking sector dominates the country's financial system and contributes significantly
to the Jordan economy but at 35%, the government tax rate on banking is 15% higher than it
is on any...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Identification of R& D Opportunities for Packing and Light Industries Se...

Other | English | Industry and Technology  Research  Economic growth and development ...more

No one denies that research and development (R&D) activities are very beneficial to
the national economy of any country at both the micro as well as at the macro level.
Any productive enterprise;...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JEA (Jordan Exporters Associations) Strategy Based Business

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Exports ...more

The Jordan Exporters Association (JEA) has been assisting Jordan’s business community in
expanding exports since its establishment in 1989, and now is well respected by the private
sector and gov...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of International Approaches to Establishing Minsitry of Economy

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Economic policy ...more

The Government of Jordan is considering re-organizing the current Ministry of Industry and
Trade (MIT) into a Ministry of Economy. The ministerial re-organization is being considered
in response ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Developing Strategy Based Business Plan for Business Associations

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Management operations and methods ...more

Business associations face many unique challenges. While they are called "non
profits", they have to be very aware of their revenue and expenses or they will
go out of business just as any compan...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Tijara Initiative - Gap Assessment of Services Provided and Recommendati...

Other | English | Development cooperation  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

The objective of this assignment is to prepare an inventory of select business associations
/organizations that relate to the TIJARA initiative – contacted organizations include those
that are pa...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Show Exhibitor Planning Guide

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Guidelines and Procedures ...more

Trade shows have a powerful and profound influence on the business of fashion. They are
successful because they attract the decision-makers who select the clothes consumers
purchase at retail and...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Support to Job Fairs and Training EXPOS 2007

Other | English | Development cooperation  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

Worldwide, job fairs are becoming a popular method for entry level recruiting and initial
employee screening. For the corporate recruiter, they offer an opportunity to reach the
highest possible ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Business Development Service Center Model-Business Plan and Training Del...

Other | English | Development cooperation  Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods ...more

Establishing Economic Development Associations in the governorates of Irbid and Karak1
is a pioneering initiative that aims to tap into the potential and resources of the governorates
to achieve ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Knowledge Stations Strategy Roadmap and Implementation Plan

Other | Arabic | Communications  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

The Initiative of establishing Information Technology and Community Service Centers
(renamed later Knowledge Stations) was launched in 2001. This initiative aims at ensuring
that every Jordanian ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

The U.S Mortgage Market :The Good,The Bad And The Ugly

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Financial institutions ...more

Home ownership in the United States has flourished in part because of the availability
of mortgage loans that can be paid off with relatively low monthly payments over 20 to 30
years. Large amoun...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Study of Consumer Behavior in the South

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Governance  International trade ...more

The domestic trade sector (wholesale and retail trade and maintenance of vehicles) is an
important economic sector in Jordan, contributing to about 10% of GDP. The domestic trade
sector is among ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan and Training Report for JFBPW

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Women in development ...more

For a membership-based organization to be sustainable, it must continually strive to expand
its membership. This, however, will only happen if the organizations’ governance structure
responds to ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Private Hospital Association

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Manual ...more

This report describes the process used by the Private Hospitals Association to develop a
business plan for its organization as well as the collateral activities that resulted in the
development o...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Implementation of Development of Handicrafts Strategy

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Regional development  Training Material ...more

This is the first implementation phase for the development of crafts for the tourism sector in
Jordan in the Irbid and Karak regions. This program began with a review of 6 identified
groups in th...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Corporate Governance Training Course outline

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Governance  Management operations and methods ...more

The Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) has recently developed a Guide for Corporate
Governance Rules for Shareholding Companies Listed in Amman Stock Exchange (CG
Rules). The document is in draft...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Show Exhibitor Planning Guide

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Guidelines and Procedures ...more

Trade shows have a powerful and profound influence on the business of fashion. They are
successful because they attract the decision-makers who select the clothes consumers
purchase at retail and...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Corporate Governance Rating Index CGRI Design

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Governance  Legislative strengthening ...more

The Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) has developed a country-specific, draft Corporate Governance Code (Jordanian Code), applicable to private sector, joint stock companies listed on the Amman St...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Show Exhibitor Planning Guide

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Private sector ...more

Trade shows have a powerful and profound influence on the business of fashion. They are
successful because they attract the decision-makers who select the clothes consumers
purchase at retail and...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Handicrafts Assessment and Inventory in Irbid and Al Karak

Other | English | Communities  Economic cooperation  Women in development ...more

An assessment of handicrafts being currently produced in Irbid and Karak has
been carried out. 13 questionnaires have been filled based on the questions
outlined in the questionnaire that prepare...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JFBPW Operations and Procedures Manual

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Evaluation  Strategic planning ...more

This document is designed to help establish a formalized process for selection, evaluation
and acceptance of applicants into the JFBPW Business Incubator and the development of
term sheets to cle...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Excellence Insurance Strategic Review

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods ...more

This report reviews the mandate, mission, performance, and strategic direction of
Excellence, Inc. (EXI) a not-for-profit company based in Amman Jordan, and
presents possible changes and courses ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Determining Needs and Perspectives of Business Association For Joining T...

Other | English | Government  Agriculture  Economic growth and development ...more

The Federation of Investment Associations (JOFIA) was officially established in July 2006 as
a voluntary and non-profit organization dedicated to representing the affairs of existing
Jordanian In...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Opportunities Workshop for the A and E Sector

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  International trade ...more

This report brings together key documents prepared as background briefing materials for a
series of three Trade Opportunity Workshops organized by the SABEQ Program with key
business associations...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

3- year strategic Plan - For the Jordanian Federation of Investment Asso...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Financial institutions ...more

JOFIA’s mission statement is to make the Jordanian private sector an active partner by
creating the necessary conditions for private sector development and mobilization.
Accordingly, in order to ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Support the Development of Business Plans For The Members of The Archite...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  Strategic planning ...more

The Engineering and Architecture Consultancy Services (A&E services) sector is one of
Jordan's fastest growing service industries. It forms a gross output of US$98.9 million or 1%
of Jordan’s GDP...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Trade Opportunities Workshop for the ICT and BPO Sector Background Docu...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Impact assessment

This report brings together key documents prepared as background briefing materials for a
series of three Trade Opportunity Workshops organized by the SABEQ Program with key
business associations...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Identification of Research and Development Opportunies for Targeted Sectors

PDF | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Finance ...more

The purpose of this assignment was to develop the governance and operational structures of
three proposed funds: the Jordanian R&D Fund, the Jordanian Environmental Fund and an
Information and Co...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Support to the Jordanian Garment Manufacturing Sector

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Manufacturing ...more

The purpose of this manual is to provide a guide and reference for the trainer to learn and
apply the training methods. The manual has the concepts and the general principals of
methods and train...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Packaging Sector Profile and Market Assessment

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  Technology ...more

Jordan’s packaging and labeling industry faces opportunities and challenges that can lead
either to meaningful business growth or declining productivity and profits. The global
packaging industry...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of Jordanian Securities Commission Disclosure Instructions

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Employment  Financial (capital) markets ...more

Maintaining public confidence in Jordan’s capital markets is key to increasing the
availability of funds to Jordanian companies to expand their output and
employment. Disclosure of comprehensive ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strategies for Craft Sector Growth in Irbid and KArak, Jordan

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  Private sector ...more

The goal is that producer groups with whomthey work in the Irbid and Karak regions will
achieve financial stability and independence within three years that they will be able to
operate through t...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of Trade Policy in Jordan and Recommendations for Reform

PDF | English | Agriculture  Economic growth and development  Economic reform ...more


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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

ICT- Career Development Training - Training of 53 Women on IT and Profes...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Women in development  Training Material ...more

The Local Economic Development (LED) sector and the Gender Integration Solution (GIS)
have partnered on an initiative aimed at establishing Business Development Center (BDC) in
Irbid and Kerak th...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of Jordan's Proposed Minerals and Pertoleum Law

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Laws and legislation ...more

At the request of the U.S. Embassy and USAID/Jordan, the SABEQ Program’s sub-contractor
Sanad Law Group conducted a review of the proposed Minerals and Petroleum Law (the
“Proposed Law”).
The pu...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

WTO Trade Policy Review Worshops Background Documents

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

This report brings together key documents prepared as background briefing materials for
a Workshop on the WTO Trade Policy Review (TPR) process organized by the SABEQ
Program in cooperation with ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Impact of The Removal Of the Fuel Subsidies On The Manufacturing Industr...

PDF | English | Energy  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

The objective of this rapid impact assessment is to analyze the impact of the removal of fuel
subsidy on the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in Jordan.
The study’s main message is tha...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Basic Marketing Research Training For Jordan's Not-For-Profit Business A...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Exports  Training Material ...more

To develop effective business plan and marketing strategy it is crucial to obtain valid and
reliable information on market, products, services, customers and stakeholders. Marketing
research is t...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

The institute For Financial Studies in Jordan: An Initial Training Needs...

PDF | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Financial (capital) markets ...more

The Jordan Securities Commission (JSC), Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), and the Securities
Depository Corporation (SDC), collectively known as the “capital market institutions,” are
establishing an I...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Greater Amman Municipality Spin Off Mechanism:Incentive Scheme and Insti...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Financial institutions  Investment ...more

This report suggests a Spin-off Scheme to be considered by Greater Amman Municipality
(GAM) to support and encourage its employees to take entrepreneurial risk, through starting
their own busines...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Facilitate start up of Businesses in Irbid

PDF | English | Agriculture  Economic growth and development  Management operations and methods ...more

Irbid is the second largest city in Jordan, and is the hub of business and economic activities
in the Northern Region. This study is undertaken as part of the Sustainable Achievement of
Business ...

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Issued on 2008.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Supplementary Report on SME SET-ASIDE Programs

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Laws and legislation ...more

In its endeavor to accede to the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the
Government of Jordan seeks to work out a SMEs set-aside program that acheives its
development needs while being accept...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Determining the Optimal Means for Promoting the Jordan

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Exports ...more

The key objective of this assignment was to survey members of the TIJARA Coalition who
are actively making use of the Jordan – US Free Trade Agreement (JUSFTA), and to
evaluate efforts of the TIJ...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

The Association of Banks in Jordan - A REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ITS ...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Guidelines and Procedures  Training Material ...more

The Association of Banks in Jordan wants to position itself as a dynamic alterative to the
Institute of Banking Studies by providing bankers and the Jordanian Banking Community
with training prog...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Amman Stock Exhange Order Managment System

Other | English | Economic growth and development  International trade  Regional development ...more

Since 2005, the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) has worked together
with six pilot broker dealers 1 and major regional software development firms (“Pilot
Group”) to introduce Order Management System a...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of Legal Asspects of Jordan's Accession to Government Agreement

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  International trade ...more

The existing WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) is a plurilateral agreement that
has been signed by some of the members of the WTO in 1994 and came into force in 1 January
1996 (hereinaft...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Inventory Description and analysis of Tourism attractions and products i...

Other | English | Agricultural research  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

The objective of this report is to present a detailed analysis of all present and potential
tourism attractions in the Northern Region of Jordan, namely in the Governorates of Irbid,
Jarash and A...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Proposal to Initiate an SME SET-ASIDE Program for Jordanian Government P...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Laws and legislation ...more

This Report sets forth a proposal for the Government of Jordan (GOJ)
to initiate a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) set-aside program for
government tenders, to assist the GOJ in negotiating ac...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

SABEQ Sustainability Through Communities of Practice

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Private sector ...more

The objective of this report – and the consultancy leading up to this report – is to
identify those areas within SABEQ’s year two work plan that are potential tools
and resources and that could a...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Karak Chamber of Commerce Organizational Assessment and Recommendations

Other | English | Communities  Economic growth and development  Evaluation ...more

Karak Chamber of Commerce is the organizational framework for a group of commercial, industrial
and services institutions. It aims at strengthening cooperation among those institutions as well as

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Irbid Chamber of Commerce:organizational assessment and recommendations

Other | English | Culture and society  Democratization  Development cooperation ...more

Chambers of Commerce in countries around the world are a form of business networks that
serve the interests of a group of businesses, support them, and enhance cooperation among
them. They repres...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

National ICT Strategy Progress Report -Q3 2007

PDF | English | Education  Climate change  Economic growth and development ...more

During the first half of 2007, int@j, the Jordanian ICT Private Sector, Jordanian Government,
and other stakeholders have collaborated on developing the National ICT Strategy for 2007-
2011, whic...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Change Management Support to the enforcement department at the ministry ...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Evaluation ...more

The Ministry of Justice works in partnership with USAID-funded projects to increase the
efficiency, transparency, and accountability of the judicial system in Jordan. Under this
project, the Mini...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Feasibility Study and Documented Procedures for Rendering Consultancy Se...

Other | English | Communications  Population and demography  Transportation ...more

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the viability and feasibility of building the
capacity of JEPA to provide consultancy services to farmers, exporters and other
stakeholders in appl...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Reviewing Outputs of Public Sector Reform Program

Other | English | Education  Communications media and equipment  Finance ...more

The objective of this activity is to review the results and recommendations of the public
sector development project that was implemented by PriceWarehouseCoopers during the
period between 2003 t...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Identification of Business Opportunities within (GAM) - Greater Amman Mu...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Financial management ...more

Review GAM’s organizational chart, strategic plan, and staffing,identify and discuss potential areas for outsourcing with relevant GAM leadership,conduct basic assessment of current service/perform...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Preliminatry Assessment for JLGC and Development Credit Authority

Other | English | Credit  Communities  Economic growth and development ...more

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in Jordan. They are the
driving force behind innovation and motivation. At the current time, there are two SME loan
guarantee pro...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Sector Differentiation for CBJ Reporting

Other | English | Industry and Technology  Transportation  Credit ...more

CBJ collects information from the banks in Jordan on credit facilities extended according to the sectors and by type of borrower

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Lowering Risks of Doing Business

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Laws and legislation ...more

A legal system committed to the rule of law is based on principles of predictability,
transparency, and fundamental fairness (due process). Jordan’s efforts to strengthen
the rule of law have alr...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of Biotechnology Capabilities and Opportunites in Jordan

Other | English | Communications  Agricultural research  Economic growth and development ...more

In 2004, upon the request of His Majesty King Abdullah II, an initiative was launched to draft
recommendations for the leadership in Jordan to advance the Kingdom’s biotechnology sector,

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Strengthening Jordanian Organizations

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Legislative strengthening  Strategic planning ...more

As a result of the meetings between SABEQ and the Board Members of the Association,
SABEQ agreed to work on strengthening the Association through a capacity building
assignment that would enable ...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Evaluation of Risk Management certifcation and Training Programs

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Assessment ...more

Assessment of Existing Risk Management Certification and other training Programs

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Concept Paper on Developing a sustainable IP Judicial Training Program

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Education research ...more

The most important factor contributing towards the success of an Intellectual Property (IP) System in a
country is establishing an understanding about the benefits of IP. Most countries of the Mid...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Formation of SME Loan Department in Jordan Bank of Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Women in development ...more

The Bank of Jordan has invested management and resources to form a separate SME Loan
Department and part of its strategic plan was shared with the Advisors.

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jordan Investment Board SAlYousef

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Investors ...more

Jordan Investment Board (JIB) approached SABEQ to obtain technical
assistance in reviewing the organizational and functional structure of the
Investment Promotion Directorate and recommending a b...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Supporting Implemantation of Liscencing Process Wadiserr District

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Guidelines and Procedures  Training Material ...more

Previous AMIR-USAID studies have identified that licensing and permitting practices are
being unnecessarily costly to investors seeking to establish a new business in Jordan. Those
studies show t...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Comprehensive Competitiveness Strategy Report for the Garment Sector

Other | English | Transportation  Economic growth and development  Labor economics ...more

SABEQ consultants surveyed 32 factories in Jordan’s industrial estates to gain insight into the
operational profile of Jordan’s garment manufacturers as well as identify the principal constraints ...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Booklet of Standardized Small and Medium Enterprises

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial institutions  Business Enterprises ...more

This booklet recommends a unified definition for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs for
short) that is appropriate to Jordan’s economic structure and business environment.
Eventually, following a...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Medical Malpractice Law "Best Practices" for Jordan

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Health care  Laws and legislation ...more

This Report is intended to assist the Private Hospitals Association and other stakeholders in
assessing medical malpractice law reforms in Jordan to promote medical tourism. The
Report surveys an...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Economic and Studies unit ministry of information and communications tec...

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Strategic planning ...more

The Economic and Studies Unit (ESU) of the Ministry of Information and Communications
Technology (MoICT) in Jordan is a fledgling operating unit that began operations in July of
2007. Initially, ...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

WTO Negotiations on trade Facilitation self assessment guide workshop Tr...

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Information management  Guidelines and Procedures ...more

دليل التقييم الذاتي لمفاوضات منظمة التجارة العالمية حول تيسير حركة التجاروالذي يهدف الى مساعدة الأعضاء الدول النامية والأقل نموا على اجراء تقييم لاحتياجتها وأولويتها في اطار دعم المساعدة الفنية وبن...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of priority environmental themes and sectors

Other | English | Population and demography  Transportation  Agricultural research ...more

This document outlines the main findings of a rapid and preliminary review of the most
challenging environmental themes in Jordan. The purpose of this assessment is to help
identify investment pr...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Public Staff Restructuring through spin off mechanism

Other | English | Energy  Government  Economic growth and development ...more

The Spin-Off Mechanism is the process followed by an institution to support and encourage
its staff to take entrepreneurial risk, and start their own businesses where the supporting
institution i...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

National ICT Strategy of Jordan

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has taken a very aggressive stance to improve life for its citizens.
The foundation for that approach is Jordan’s National Agenda. In support of the National Agenda...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

A Rapid Diagnostic of the garment sector

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Exports ...more

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a rapid diagnosis of the garment sector in
Jordan. The analysis in this report is primarily based on the survey results conducted by
SABEQ consultants...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Terms of Reference for Master Plan in Jordan Valley

Other | English | Population and demography  Economic growth and development  Environmental planning ...more

In 2004, the USAID funded program Achievement of Market-Friendly Initiatives and Results
(AMIR) completed the Jordan Valley Preliminary Land Use Master Plan (JV-PLUMP) project.
The project provid...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of University Regulations to cater For Spin Offs

Other | English | Science  Economic growth and development  Education research ...more

The Introduction of this Report defines the scope of the Report, which is to reform
the current Legislation and IP Policies at the Universities with the aim of
encouraging and facilitating the tr...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Concept Paper for on going SABEQ Support to local economic development i...

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Population groups ...more

A role of SABEQ is to help the Government of Jordan (GOJ) diversify growth into its regions to
decentralize Jordan’s economy and create a framework that supports broad-based economic

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Bench marking Assessment of Jordan's not-for-profit organizations

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Education research ...more

For the purposes of this benchmarking assessment for the SABEQ program, Jordan’s notfor-
profit organizations can be divided into three categories: 1) those that are Governmentsanctioned,
where m...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Women - Owned SMEs Bank Portfolio Analysis

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Energy technology  International trade ...more

The USAID-funded Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ)
program is a broad economic development initiative implemented by BearingPoint, Inc. and
a team of international...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Review of Free Zone and industrial estate policy and practice in Jordan

Other | English | Government  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

This paper reviews free zone and industrial estate policy and performance in Jordan against
international experience. The paper also looks briefly at the appropriateness of using zones to

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Mutual Funds - Supplemental Issues Regarding the Proposed Mutual Funds I...

Other | English | Credit  Economic growth and development  Financial management ...more

Tabbaa and Partners were commissioned by the SABEQ Program “to review and assess the
compatibility of the existing draft Mutual Fund Instructions with applicable laws in Jordan,
and to address re...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Karak Economic Baseline Report - Jidara

PDF | English | Demography and vital statistics  Governance  Population surveys ...more

The town is built on a triangular plateau, with the castle at its narrow southern tip. The castle is some 220m long, 125m wide at the
north end, and 40m wide at the southern end where a narrow val...

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Issued on 1999.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Developing a national investment strategy

Other | English | Employment  Exports  International trade ...more

The objective of this proposal is to outline a methodology to develop a national
investment strategy in coordination with JIB staff and other appropriate public- and
private-sector counterparts

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Impact of Business Process Re-engineering and automation of vocational l...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Training Material  Impact assessment

The automated system consisted of the vocational licensing process of issuance and renewal.
All project deliverables including “as is” and “to be” deliverables, communication throughout
the proje...

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Issued on 2003.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Karak Economic Baseline Report - Arabic -Jidara

Other | Arabic | Population and demography  Agricultural research  Climate change ...more

The objective of this report is to examine the salient features of the local economy of
the Governorate of Karak (referred to as 'Governorate' or 'Karak' hereafter). As
such, this report will ide...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

SABEQ Team Building and Work Planning Event

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Women in development

The SABEQ Program is on its first year of technical work delivery. Because the Program just started the implementation, and has a large staff, high-level counterparts, and a deadline driven mandate...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Int@j Strategic Plan -Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Information Techn...

Other | English | Communications  Government  Economic growth and development ...more

The objective of this five year strategy for Int@j is to define that mandate and to
provide a roadmap for sustainability. Accompanying this strategy is a five year
business model that illustrates...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Free Trade Agreement Methodology Manual

Other | English | Agricultural research  Economic growth and development  Environmental management ...more

The world economy since World War II has become much more integrated. Following
eight successive multilateral rounds of negotiations under the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade (GATT), inter...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Assisting the restructuring of Jordan Enterprise Corporation

Other | English | Communications  Government  Economic growth and development ...more

The key objective of this assignment and report is to provide support to the CEO
and senior managers of Jordan Enterprise Corporation (JE) in the process of
enabling the corporation to fulfill it...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jabal Ajloun Development Program Management Unit Mandate/ A charter Sup...

Other | English | Communications  Civil society  Economic growth and development ...more

The Jabal Ajloun Development Program through its inter-ministerial committee has authorized the creation
of the program management unit (PMU).
With the purpose of assisting the program in reachin...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Introduction of strategic thinking to Jordan Enterprise Staff

Other | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Occupations ...more

The trainer emphasized the fact that the top management of JE and the trainer were well
aware of the fact that a considerable number of the participants possessed significant
experience in the fi...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Facilitate and Conduct Technical Training Workshops for the Garment Sate...

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Environmental management  Women in development ...more

Increasing the quantity and quality of the Jordanian labor force and enhancing the
participation of women in the economy through building their capacity and creating the
proper environment to enc...

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Issued on 2007.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

JIB Targeted Investment Promotion Plan Report

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Social Marketing

The main purpose of the work was to help JIB´s management in the process of training
and developing the Investment Promotion team in the best practices of Investment
Promotion and moving forward ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPO Sector Marketing And Investment Promotion Plan - Participation in NA...

PDF | English | Energy  Transportation  Economic growth and development ...more

NASSCOM: established in 1988 NASSCOM® is the premier trade body and the
chamber of commerce of the IT-BPO industries in India. NASSCOM is a global
trade body with more than 1,200 members, which i...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPO sector marketing And investment Promotion Plan- Participation in the...

PDF | English | Government  Economic growth and development  Health care ...more

The NASSCOM BPO Strategy Summit 2010: is a 2 day event organized by
NASSCOM, which is programmed to take place June 9 and 10 in Bangalore, India.
The purpose of the Summit will focus on Aligning ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

BPO Sector Marketing And Investment Promotion Plan-Arab Outsourcing Conf...

PDF | English | Government  Strategic planning  Social Marketing ...more

The 2nd ARAB OUTSOURCING CONFERENCE 2010: is a 3 day event organized by
TCQ Triangle and sponsored by companies like Deloitte, SAP, Aegis and Wipro,
which is programmed to take place April 26 to ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Southern Chambers Of Commerce Membership Management System

PDF | English | Manual  Project Management  Architecture ...more

Primus designed and developed a Computerized Membership Management System to
manage member accounts in the Southern Chambers of Commerce (Karak, Mazar, Maan
and Tafileh). The Computerized system ...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Ownership Transition Strategies For Jordanian Architecture and engineeri...

PDF | English | Legislative strengthening  Organizational structure  Cultural development

This engagement began with a survey of the 13 participating firms and an analysis of the
applicable law governing ownership transition in Jordan. The study was conducted by
Sanad Law Group (Amman...

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Issued on 2009.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Force Supply And Demand Profile of Jabal Ajloun Development Area

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Governance  Training Material ...more

The labor force profile for Jabal Ajloun Development Area aims at identifying the labor
demand by the private sector firms in the Area, as well as, the labor supply in Ajloun
Governorate and neig...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Develop Jordan Development Zones Company (JDZC) Organizational Structure...

PDF | English | Economic growth and development  Finance  Investment

The new Development Zones Law of 2008, which was passed by Parliament in early 2008,
establishes a set of specialized rules to facilitate regional investment. Its goals are
"enhancing the economi...

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Issued on 2011.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

Jabal Ajloun Development Program Charter

PDF | English | Development activity planning and management  Economic growth and development  Governance ...more

The Kingdom’s economic initiatives strive to stimulate economic development, attract foreign investments
and preserve the country’s natural resources. The objective of such initiatives is to turn ...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

استراتيجية ادارة رأس المال البشري

PDF | Arabic | Transportation  Employment  Financial (capital) markets ...more

يعتمد بناء الاستراتيجيات العامة و الخاصة لأي شركة على تحليل بيئتها الداخلية والخارجية فتحقيق استراتيجيتها يتطلب تحديد واضح وشامل لنقاط القوة والض1عف للشركة من خلال عملية تحليل البيئة الداخلية وتحد...

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Issued on 2011.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Labor Force Demand And Supply Profile of Jabal Ajloun Development Area

Other | English | Population and demography  Employment  Governance ...more

Analyze labor demand of the private sector in the development area in terms of quality and quantity of needed employees, to develop a labor demand profile,analyze labor supply focusing on the chara...

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Issued on 2010.
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Last updated over 7 years ago

الهيكل التنظيمي ووصف المهام الرئيسية للشركة الأردنية لتطوير المناطق التن...

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Strategic planning  Land ownership ...more

الشركة الأردنية لتطويرالمناطق التنموية هي شركة مساهمة خاصة مملوكة بالكامل للحكومة الأردنية وتعتبر أحد المطورين الرئيسين العاملين في المناطق التنموية في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

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Issued on 2011.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Primus - website design and development (Maintenance Agreement)

Other | English | Energy policy  Management operations and methods  Collective agreements

Primus guarantees the quality of work of the product against any programming defects or
bugs, or deployment issues. Any defects, bugs or issues detected by the client will be
promptly corrected b...

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Issued on 2010.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Ownership Transition Strategies for architecture and engineering firms

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Financial (capital) markets  Strategic planning ...more

Allows companies to sustain themselves over multiple generations of ownership-often reaching a size and scale most first generation firms cannot ,helps align the leadership of a firm with its owner...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2009.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Mafraq Labor force Demand and Supply Profiles

Other | English | Economic growth and development  Education research  Employment ...more

According to the National Agenda, the unemployment rate in Jordan is around 14% but could reach the
alarming rate of 20% by 2015 should conditions remain the same. 40% of the Jordanian population ...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2009.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago