JAFPP Financial Sustainability Assessment Findings  

Under the Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) Leader with
Associates (LWA) Cooperative Agreement, USAID/Jordan issued an Associate Award to Abt
Associates for a five-year program called Strengthening Family Planning or in Arabic, Ta’ziz
Tanzim Al Usra (in short, Ta’ziz) in late July 2010. Ta’ziz aims to expand the availability, quality
and use of family planning (FP) services through partnership with the private, non-governmental
sector in Jordan. The project seeks to boost the role of NGOs in providing FP services, focusing
on the Jordan Association of Family Planning and Protection (JAFPP). Ta’ziz will assist JAFPP
in expanding and improving its clinics, introducing and promoting new FP methods to expand
the available mix, strengthening management, governance, financial and administrative systems,
and increasing its prospects for financial sustainability.