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Ashley Ross  

My Mother is Tall

PDF | Arabic | Gender  Youth  Children Stories

This is part of a gender-sensitive children's book series develeopd by Haya Cultural Center with the support of USAID Takamol to encourages children to explore beyond gender roles and stereotypes a...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

The Most Beautiful Princess

PDF | Arabic | Gender  Youth  Children Stories

This is part of a gender-sensitive children's book series develeopd by Haya Cultural Center with the support of USAID Takamol to encourages children to explore beyond gender roles and stereotypes ...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

Gender Resource Manual

PDF | English | Gender  Youth

The Gender Resource Manual was developed by USAID Takamol to introduce complex concepts and terminologies related to gender equity as they relate to the lives of women and men, boys and girls in Jo...

Used by 1 Collection
Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

تدقيق النوع الاجتماعي القائم على النهج التشاركي في الأرد: دليل للوزارات...

PDF | Arabic | Government  Gender

تم تطوير هذا الدليل لمساعدة القيادات العليا و صناع القرار و كافة الموظفين في مؤسسات القطاع العام على فهم كيفية و أهمية عملية التدقيق من منظور النوع الاجتماعي القائم على النهج التشاركي. تم تطوير محت...

Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

الدليل المرجعي: المصطلحات والمفاهيم الأساسية وتمارين تدريبية حول الجندر

PDF | Arabic | Gender  Youth

تم تطوير دليل المصطلحات و المفاهيم و التدريبات حول الجندر من قبل برنامج تكامل لتوضيح المفاهيم و المصطلحات المرتبطة بالعدالة الجندرية وكيف تنعكس على حياة الرجال و النساء و الاولاد و البنات في الأردن...

Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

Participatory Gender Audits in Jordan

PDF | English | Gender

This guide is designed to introduce managers and employees in government departments to why and how to conduct participatory gender audits. The guide was developed through USAID Takamol's experienc...

Issued on 2020.
Uploaded over 3 years ago
Last updated over 3 years ago

Children's Books Developed by Haya Cultural Center

Gender  Children Stories

A gender-sensitive children's book series develeopd by Haya Cultural Center w...

6 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago

Vocational Training Corporation Promotional Videos

Economics  Gender

Videos developed with the Vocational Training Corporation to promote enrollin...

11 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 3 years ago
Last updated about 3 years ago
New Organization
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The Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Project (TAKAMOL) 2016-04-14 Member Remove Membership
New Community of Practice
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USAID COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership