Training for Employment Activity (TEA) End of Project Evaluation  

The purpose of the Training for Employment Activity (TEA) was to train and employ youth in Jordan by upscaling an employment platform based on updated information about labor market needs, direct private sector links, and the ability to train job seekers for available vacancies. USAID selected three implementing partners, Luminus Technical University College, Education for Employment- Jordan, and Technical Vocational Training Academy, for the Activity.
This evaluation was intended to learn from this modality of using three commercial contracts to match labor supply with demand that may inform USAID’s future interventions relative to workforce development. This report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the team
commissioned by USAID to conduct an end-of-project evaluation of the Training for Employment Activity, implemented by three implementing partners (IPs): Education for Employment - Jordan (EFEJordan) – contract number 72027218C00003; Luminus Technical University College (LTUC) – contract number 72027218C00004; and The Technical Vocational Training Academy (TVTA) –contract number 72027218C00005.

Training for Employment Activity (TEA) One-Page Factsheet

Other | English | Employment  Technical training

One-Page Factsheet

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Last updated 5 months ago

Training for Employment Activity (TEA) End of Project Evaluation Report ...

PDF | English | Labor  Economic growth and development  Employment ...more

The purpose of the Training for Employment Activity (TEA) was to train and employ youth in Jordan by upscaling an employment platform based on updated information about labor market needs, direct p...

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Last updated 5 months ago

Training for Employment Activity (TEA) Executive Summary (Arabic)

Other | Arabic | Economic growth and development  Employment  Evaluation Report

يمثل العنصر البشري غاية التنمية وهدفها النهائي بالإضافة إلى كونه أداتها، وترتبط القضايا السكانية ارتباطاً وثيقاً بالمبادرات الهادفة إلى تحقيق التنمية بصورة عامة والمُستدامة بصورة خاصة. فارتفاع معد...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2022.
Uploaded about 2 years ago
Last updated 5 months ago