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Muna Mansour  

Supply Demand GAP Analysis - In Jordan ICT Sector

Other | English | Communications  Economic growth and development  Educational development ...more

In an effort to develop a national cooperative framework for professional education and training
driven by the needs and requirements of skill set and professions in the Information and

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2008.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

الأولويات التنموية من منظور كل من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والجهات المانحة ...

PDF | English | Civil society  Governance  Development strategies

تُعد التنمیة من أھم شواغل الدول عموم اً، نظر اً لآثارھا المھمة والحیویة على استقرار الدولة وتقدمھا السیاسي والاقتصادي
والاجتماعي، ولتداخل جمیع مكونات الدولة الداخلیة من مؤسسات حكومیة وبیروقراطیة (...

Issued on 2018.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

2016 M&E Apprenticeship Video

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Given that M&E is still nascent as a technical area in Jordan, USAID Activities are facing significant and growing challenges in recruiting M&E staff with sufficient experience and knowledge. In an...

Issued on 2016.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

GIS Session Presentation

Other | English | Geographic information systems  USAID

Fundamental Requirements for an effective M and E GIS

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2017.
Uploaded about 7 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

The Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique, A Guide to its Use.

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

This publication is aimed at organisations, community groups, students and academics
who wish to use MSC to help monitor and evaluate their social change programs and
projects, or to learn more a...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2005.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

MSC- Design Sampling Strategies for Social Qualitative Research

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

The design of a sampling strategy for a qualitative study is as important as that for quantitative
inquiry. A well-defined sampling strategy that utilizes an unbiased and robust frame can provide

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2005.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

MSC- Analyzing Qualitative Data

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring  Qualitative Research

Qualitative data consist of words and observations,
not numbers. As with all data, analysis and
interpretation are required to bring order and
understanding. This requires creativity, discipline...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2003.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Use of most significant change (MSC) technique to evaluate health promot...

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Maternal health promotion is a defined activity in the community integrated posts (Posyandu) in Indonesia. However, it is often neglected due to limited knowledge and skills of the community health...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2017.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Using Most Significant Change Methodology to Evaluate Impact of a Health...

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Reproductive health researchers, donors, and program managers are concerned with why
evidence-based best practices are rarely incorporated or scaled up into standard practices.
Serious gaps exist...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2013.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Introducing the Most Significant Change technique to support Leadership ...

Other | English | Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

This report examines the introduction of the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique in the
context of the Leadership for Learning (LfL) Ghana programme. Details of research conducted
to-date and...

Used by 1 Collection
Issued on 2014.
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

ICAT, Youth & ISC (Internal Strengthening For Change...

Evaluation  Youth

This collection includes CIS-specific assessments

3 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

CIS Evaluations for Al Qantra,JREDS & Phenix

Evaluation Report

Final CIS Evaluations for Al Qantara, JREDS & Phenix

3 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Gender evaluations for CIS(USAID Civic Initiatives ...

The assessments/evaluations in this collection were commissioned under the U...

10 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

TOC (Theory of Change) Training Materials

Theory of Change

Theory of Change training that was given by USAID MESP team at September,2018

14 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Community of Practice Sessions (Evaluating Youth Pro...

Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Community of Practice sessions that were held in 23th of September 2018

14 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Aid and Economic Self-Sufficiency - Conceptualizing ...

Sustainable development

Donor countries and multilateral organizations may pursue multiple goals with...

13 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 6 years ago
Last updated about 6 years ago

Community of Practice Sessions " MEL of Capacity Bui...

Human capacity development

Capacity is the ability of people, organizations and society as a whole to ma...

10 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 6 years ago
Last updated about 6 years ago

GIS Community of Practice

“Geographic Information Systems (GIS)” was the selected topic for the quarter...

4 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Most Significant Change (MSC) Workshop

Most Significant Change materials that were given in a workshop which was org...

29 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Community of Practice- 21st of August,2017


Community of Practice (CoP) session titled “Integrating Gender” which was con...

6 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago
New Organization
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USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program (MESP) 2014-06-02 Admin Remove Membership
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USAID COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership
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