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    over 7 years
Muna Mansour  

Customs automation assessment : final report

Other | English | International trade  Assessment  Evaluation Report ...more

The objective of this Scope of Work was to perform an assessment of current automation
within the Customs Department and to review the equipment request that would expand
current automated proced...

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

ASEZ (Aqaba Special Economic Zone) customs assessment : final report

Other | English | Evaluation  International trade  Management operations and methods ...more

This report assess issues related to the implementation of a Customs regime to support
the introduction of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) on January 1, 2001. The
report analyzes the draft...

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of water saving devices (WSDs) sector in Jordan

Other | English | Environmental technology  Private sector  Assessment ...more

This assessment provides the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) with an estimate of the
amounts of expected water savings and the cost of procuring and installing WSD’s in 25% and 85%
of larg...

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Environmental review of the Jordan-U.S. free trade agreement : final report

Other | English | Development program planning and management  Environmental management  International trade ...more

The importance of the proposed Jordan-U.S. Trade Agreement (FTA) is clear. This agreement will
serve as an integral component of Jordan’s economic vision of the future, and—together with other

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of opportunities to streamline and improve electronic governm...

Other | English | International trade  Public administration  Technology ...more

The Investor Roadmap study, as part of the AMIR Policy Reform Initiative, recommended a number
of administrative and organizational reforms to streamline processes and reduce the paperwork

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Customs risk assessment and selective inspections : phase I -- final report

Other | English | International trade  Assessment  Evaluation Report ...more

Customs administrations are increasingly turning to risk management as an
effective means of meeting their goals and objectives. A well-designed Risk
Management System promotes trade facilitation...

Issued on 2000.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Regulation no. (21) for the year 2001 : regulation for the protection of...

Other | English | Environmental protection and conservation  Assessment  Evaluation Report ...more

This regulation shall be known as the (regulation for the protection of the environment in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone for the year of 2011

Issued on 2001.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Target specific survey -- Irbid[, Jordan]

Other | English | Development finance  Financial institutions  Assessment ...more

It is a principal objective of the AMIR Program to foster the expansion of financial services to
Jordan’s microenterprises. To meet this goal, AMIR provides assistance to the Jordan Micro
Credit ...

Issued on 2001.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Assessment of [radio] spectrum management issues in Jordan : final report

Other | English | Information management  Assessment  Evaluation Report ...more

A study of the radio spectrum management environment in the Hashemite Kingdom of
Jordan has been undertaken by the U.S. Agency for International Development's AMIR
project. This study was designe...

Issued on 2001.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

Microfinance/microenterprise strategic assessment : final report

Other | English | Development finance  Development organizations  Financial institutions ...more

This study was to include a review of the current status of Micro finance /Micro enterprise in Jordan, and
recommend policies for the strengthening of the sector going forward.

Issued on 2001.
Uploaded over 7 years ago
Last updated over 7 years ago

ICAT, Youth & ISC (Internal Strengthening For Change...

Evaluation  Youth

This collection includes CIS-specific assessments

3 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

CIS Evaluations for Al Qantra,JREDS & Phenix

Evaluation Report

Final CIS Evaluations for Al Qantara, JREDS & Phenix

3 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Gender evaluations for CIS(USAID Civic Initiatives ...

The assessments/evaluations in this collection were commissioned under the U...

10 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

TOC (Theory of Change) Training Materials

Theory of Change

Theory of Change training that was given by USAID MESP team at September,2018

14 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Community of Practice Sessions (Evaluating Youth Pro...

Evaluation  Performance Monitoring

Community of Practice sessions that were held in 23th of September 2018

14 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 6 years ago
Last updated almost 6 years ago

Aid and Economic Self-Sufficiency - Conceptualizing ...

Sustainable development

Donor countries and multilateral organizations may pursue multiple goals with...

13 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 6 years ago
Last updated about 6 years ago

Community of Practice Sessions " MEL of Capacity Bui...

Human capacity development

Capacity is the ability of people, organizations and society as a whole to ma...

10 Resources in this collection
Uploaded about 6 years ago
Last updated about 6 years ago

GIS Community of Practice

“Geographic Information Systems (GIS)” was the selected topic for the quarter...

4 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Most Significant Change (MSC) Workshop

Most Significant Change materials that were given in a workshop which was org...

29 Resources in this collection
Uploaded over 6 years ago
Last updated over 6 years ago

Community of Practice- 21st of August,2017


Community of Practice (CoP) session titled “Integrating Gender” which was con...

6 Resources in this collection
Uploaded almost 7 years ago
Last updated almost 7 years ago
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USAID/Jordan Monitoring and Evaluation Support Program (MESP) 2014-06-02 Admin Remove Membership
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USAID COP 2024-02-26 Member Remove Membership
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